i3-workspace-swap 1.1.0

Creator: bradpython12

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i3workspaceswap 1.1.0

A utility for the i3 tiling window manager, which allows to swap the content of two workspaces. If both, the destination and the source workspace have content on them, the content will be swapped. If only a destination workspace is provided, the workspace will be created with the given name.

Python 3.x
Python i3ipc

Optional Dependecie

dmenu: used for interactive mode

i3-workspace-swap [OPTION..]

-d NAME or --destination NAME: destination workspace by name to move content to.
-f or --focus: focus destination workspace after swap
-h or --help: print help message
-i OPTION or --interactive OPTION: uses dmenu to select dest/src; command line arguments will be overwriten
-s NAME or --source NAME: source workspace by name to move the content from, if none given the currently focused workspace will be used

Options for interacive mode:

all: source and destination
dest: destination only
src: source only


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