i2c-for-esp32 0.4.1

Creator: bradpython12

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i2cforesp32 0.4.1

Extended Arduino Library for I2C Slave on ESP32
This repository contains modifications to the original Arduino library found at https://github.com/gutierrezps/ESP32_I2C_Slave .
The key enhancement enables the sending of longer packets.
Packet Format
The expected packet format is detailed below:
[0]: start byte (0x02)
[1]: number of packet length bytes (L)
[2:2+L]: packet length (N)
[2+L]: data[0]
[3+L]: data[1]
[N+1+L]: data[N-1]
[N+2+L]: CRC8 of packet length and data
[N+3+L]: end byte (0x04)

Feel free to expand on this by adding any installation, usage instructions or any other relevant details as required.
Python library
We provide a Python library for exchanging bytearrays received in Python.
You can install it using the following command:
pip install i2c-for-esp32

For usage instructions, please refer to:
Radxa with Atom Echo
A sample that communicates with radxa and atom echo to retrieve audio data from a microphone can be found at:


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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