icrs.releaser 1.2.0

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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icrs.releaser 1.2.0


This package provides support for releasing projects using
zest.releaser, especially in
combination with setuptools_scm.
This package does three things:

Insert the correct version number in source files.
It’s helpful for readers of the source code and the documentation
when object docstrings contain abbreviated change logs. Sphinx
supports this with the special directives
versionadded, versionchanged, and deprecated. For
example, a docstring might contain:
.. versionchanged:: 2.0.1
Now frob the frizzle correctly when *frob_frizzle* is true.
But the author of the docstring doesn’t always know what the version
number that contains the change will ultimately be. In a scheme like
CalVer, that will depend on when the release is made, and in a
scheme like SemVer, that will depend on what other changes are
part of the release. In either case, it can’t be determined until
the release is actually made.
To solve this, this package has a plugin that lets you write your
docstrings like so:
.. deprecated:: NEXT
Turns out frobbing the frizzle was a bad idea.
When a release is made, all .py files that are found in the src/<PROJECT>/
directory are examined for those three directives with an argument
of NEXT, and the NEXT value is replaced with the version
number the user selected.
The user will be presented a diff of the changes made and asked
whether to commit them before continuing.

Removes C compiler flags from the environment.
You may have custom C compiler flags in your environment
(CFLAGS, etc). These may contain non-portable options such as
-ffast-math or -march=native that would prevent binary
wheels built on your machine from working on other machines.
This package removes those flags from the environment that builds
binary wheels.

Makes setuptools_scm respect the version number the user entered.
zest.releaser asks setuptools what version to use when it
tags the repository. It expects to get back the version that the
user entered, and which it wrote to disk (typically in
But because setuptools_scm overrides the value stored in
setup.py based on the last tag in the repository, this doesn’t
work: it would only work if the tag was already made! Instead of
getting the correct tag like 0.0.2, zest.releaser wants to
create a tag like 0.0.1.dev11+gbeb8b20.
This package forces setuptools_scm to respect the version that
the user entered so that the tag is correct.

Installation And Usage
This package registers certain entry points with zest.releaser
when it is installed, so it is only necessary to pip install icrs.releaser and then invoke icrs_release to use the plugins
mentioned above.
This package provides the recommended extra to install the same
things that zest.releaser[recommended] does.
$ pip install 'icrs.releaser[recommended]'

This package assumes that your project uses the standard src/
layout. That is, for a package named foo, there will be a
directory next to setup.py, src/foo/, containing the Python
source. Likewise, for a namespace package foo.bar, the code
will be in src/foo/bar/.

Because this package is a plugin to zest.releaser, the two
packages must be installed in the same environment (same Python
path). The easiest way to ensure this is to just install this
package, and then use the command from the next point.

For this package to work, you must use the icrs_release
This is a simple wrapper for the fullrelease command provided
by zest.releaser. It’s use is necessitated by the fact that
this package works in part by setting and unsetting environment


1.2.0 (2024-01-30)

Add support for Python 3.11 and 3.12.
Drop support for Python 3.8. The minimum supported version is now 3.9.
Depend on newer zest.releaser >= 9.1.1.
Remove dependency on setuptools; now uses the so-called
“native” namespace packages.
Add a new release check that forbids having development dependencies
(e.g., “icrs.releaser >= 3.0.dev0” would be forbidden). This only
works for setuptools projects that have dependencies listed in setup.py.

1.1.0 (2022-03-03)

Fix handling the case where the project name is a namespace
(icrs.releaser), but the source directory on disk doesn’t
include the namespace (src/releaser). This is a legacy case,
supported for projects that are transitioning to a standard layout.

1.0.1 (2022-02-25)

Add the ‘recommended’ extra for installing the same things that
zest.releaser[recommended] does.

1.0.0 (2022-02-25)

Initial PyPI release.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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