icsemantic.thesaurus 1.0-dev-r371

Creator: railscoder56

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icsemantic.thesaurus 1.0devr371

icSemantic Thesaurus uses pyThesaurus to manage a multilingual thesaurus that
can be used in a Plone site in order to add semantic metadata to the website.
Add multilingual characteristics to the core platform in order to extend the
multilingual capabilities of the website.
Recognizes the semantic relationship among the metadata in each of the
different languages in use. Requires pyThesaurus installed (pyThesaurus
allows you manage controlled vocabularies, taxonomies and multilingual

Stores and manages a multilingual and multi-context thesaurus

Imports and exports thesaurus in SKOS-Core (RDF), OWL, iDing and

Widget of controlled vocabularies based on thesarus terms


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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