ics2todoist 0.1.0

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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ics2todoist 0.1.0

A tool (and library) to convert tasks in iCalendar format (RFC 5545) to CSV
format (RFC 4180) for import into Todoist.

This package can be installed using pip, by running:
pip install ics2todoist

Command-Line Examples
To convert iCalendar files with extension .ics to a CSV file named
ics2todoist -o todo.csv *.ics
To convert iCalendar files with extension .ics to a CSV file named
todo.csv using redirection:
cat *.ics | ics2todoist >todo.csv

API Examples
To convert iCalendar in todo.ics to CSV on stdout:
from ics2todoist import ics_to_todoist
ics_to_todoist(['todo.ics'], sys.stdout)
To convert iCalendar files with extension .ics to a CSV file named
from glob import glob
from ics2todoist import ics_to_todoist
with open('todo.csv', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile:
ics_to_todoist(glob('*.ics'), csvfile)
To convert a string of iCalendar data into a TodoistCsvRow:
from ics2todoist import Ics2TodoistConverter
converter = Ics2TodoistConverter()
row = converter.ical_to_todoist(get_ical_string())

The project documentation is hosted on Read the Docs. See the CLI
documentation for command-line options and usage, and the API documentation
for the Python API.

Contributions are welcome and very much appreciated! See the contributing
guidelines for recommendations.

This project is available under the terms of the MIT License.
See the summary at TLDRLegal


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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