id-translation 0.11.1

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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idtranslation 0.11.1

ID Translation
Convert IDs to human-readable labels.

Country IDs translated using the standard id:name-format. Click here for source.
What is it?
A package suite for translating IDs typically found in databases. Translation is highly configurable and tested for
multiple different SQL dialects and schema naming paradigms. The included TOML configuration format as well as the
support functions make it easy to create and share working configurations with anyone who needs them.
Cookiecutter template project
The fastest way to get started with id-translation is the 🍪id-translation-project Cookiecutter template. It is
designed to allow power users to quickly specify shared configurations that "just work" for other users; see the example
from big_corporation_inc.id_translation import translate
"The first employee at Big Corporation Inc. was:",
translate(1, names="employee_id"),

Check out this demo project
(and its 📚generated documentation) to get a preview of what
Your generated project might look like, or continue to the next section for a brief feature overview.
Highlighted Features

Convenient interface: Translator.translate().
Intuitive Format strings (e.g. '{id}:{name}'), including full
Format Specification Mini-Language support. Extensions for optional keys.
Fetchers for SQL and local or remote file-system sources.
Powerful Name-to-source and Placeholder-to-column mapping and name extraction.
Configurable using TOML - see the 🍪id-translation-project Cookiecutter template.

Supported types

Supported ID types: int, string, and UUID. Optional heuristics for UUID-like strings.
Supports translation of built-in collections: list, dict, set, tuple.
Supports translation of pandas types, including pandas.MultiIndex types.
Optional and user-extensible integration of data types, such as polars and dask.

The package is published through the Python Package Index (PyPI). Source code
is available on GitHub:
pip install -U id-translation

This is the preferred method to install id-translation, as it will always install the
most recent stable release.
Hosted on Read the Docs:
All contributions, bug reports, bug fixes, documentation improvements, enhancements, and ideas are welcome. To get
started, see the Contributing Guide and Code of Conduct.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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