idem-cloud 1.0.1

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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idemcloud 1.0.1

Contracts, Configuration, and Bootstrapping methods common to all idem cloud implementations


A guide to getting started!

We’ve provided a new means of using idem-cloud. Now a portable binary can be downloaded and it
will contains a pre-compiled version of idem and all it’s necessary sub-components.
Once downloaded from here [link HERE], idem-cloud can be ran as an executable from the CLI as such:
./idem-cloud --help
What makes this approach so fantastic is no system changes need to be made in order to run idem-cloud.
This allows you as a user to download an executable and immediately start managing your cloud infrastructure.

Traditional Install
If you would prefer a more traditional experience on your system, please follow these steps below to install:
This can be installed via pip:
pip install idem-cloud

Clone the idem-cloud repository and install with pip.
git clone
pip install -e idem_cloud


Install docker-compose and enable the docker service
Install the testing requirements:
pip install -r requirements-test.txt

Run the tests:
pytest tests

Set UP
After installation the Idem Bootstrap execution and state modules will be accessible to the pop hub.

Once everything has been set up properly, execution modules can be called directly by idem.
Execution modules can be accessed by reference relative to their location in the exec directory in idem-cloud/cloud
For example, idem-cloud/cloud/exec/bootstrap/ contains a function called create()
This function can be accessed from the command line with:
idem exec bootstrap.salt.create user=root host=
Filters can be used when calling list functions from any cloud list function from the command line, such as idem-aws,
so that the output isn’t so verbose:
idem exec aws.ec2.vpc.list --filter vpc_id

States are also accessed by their relative location in idem-aws/idem_aws/states.
For example, idem-aws/idem_aws/states/aws/ec2/ contains a function absent().
In my state file I can create a state that uses the absent function like so.
- user: root
- host:
I can execute this state with:
idem state my_state.sls
idem state also has some flags that can significantly boost the scalability and performance of the run.
Let’s use this new state which verifies that 100 vpcs are absent:
{% for i in range(100) %}
- host: "idem_cloud_test_minion_{{i}}"
- user: root
{% endfor -%}
I can execute this state with –runtime parallel to make full use of idem’s async execution calls:
idem state --runtime parallel my_state.sls


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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