iftc 1.2.6

Creator: railscoder56

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iftc 1.2.6

IFT Correction
IFT Correction(Informal Text Correction) is a library of spelling correction for Vietnamese informal text type(informal text is the type of text as daily communication messages)
pip install iftc

Example Usage
Only spelling correction for acronyms
from iftc.spelling_corrector import SpellingCorrector

corrector = SpellingCorrector()

corrected_text = corrector.acronym_correction('b ơi, món này giá bn thế')

This should print:
'bạn ơi, món này giá bao nhiêu thế'

Spelling correction for detect spelling error
from iftc.spelling_corrector import SpellingCorrector

corrector = SpellingCorrector()

text, word_candidates = corrector.detect_spelling_error('b ơi, món này giá bn thế')


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