IHSBotballKit 1.0.1

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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IHSBotballKit 1.0.1


An object-oriented wrapper for the KIPR Botball library with additional functionalities.
The module is installed using pip:
pip install IHSBotballKit

Documentation can be found in the source code or stubs. Examples use cases are provided in the examples folder.
Contributions are welcome! Please follow the following style guides:

Use standard python syntax and naming conventions(e.g. snake_case for variables, CamelCase for classes).

All importable members must be documented using Google style docstrings.
Type hinting is not required but strongly recommended whenever possible.
It is recommended to use a static type checker such as mypy while contributing to the package.
Create stubs in the stubs folder after you've made all the changes. A good way to do that is to use mypy's stubgen.

note: the stubs generated will have some issues and incomplete typing. It is your job to fix them before committing the code.
# generate all the stubs at once
stubgen -p ./IHSBotballKit -v --include-docstrings -o ./stubs
# generate stubs for one (or more) file
stubgen ./IHSBotballKit/file.py ./IHSBotballKit/file2.py -v --include-docstrings -0 ./stubs


Update version number in __init__.py according to semantic versioning guidelines.
Create new release on GitHub.
Update relevant information in setup.py, namely version, download url, and dependencies.
Run the following to upload the new version to pypi.
rm -rf dist && python3 setup.py sdist
twine check dist/* # make sure there are no problems in the uploaded file(s)
twine upload dist/*


Botballkit - For inspiration and some functionality.

If you encounter any issues, please create a new issue here. Please be detailed in the description of the issue, include relevant background information (e.g. operating system, software versions), expected behavior, and how to reproduce the issue.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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