iidfile 0.2.0

Creator: bradpython12

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iidfile 0.2.0

IID fileformat (.iid)
.iid files contains a list of masks and labels associated with an image. It is a file format for storing image segmentations mapped to Individual IDentifiers (IIDs).
This package provides methods for loading, saving, searching and computing data from .iid files.

Why? Because it was needed to map this ae73edb74571e4e2.

pip install iidfile

Quick Example
from iidfile import IIDFile

mask = np.ones(shape, dtype=np.bool)
bbox = (minr, minc, maxr, maxc)

# Create iidfile
iidfile = IIDFile()
iidfile.add(address=b'foo', domain=b'bar', bbox=bbox, mask=mask)

# Load iidfile
iidfile = IIDFile(fpath="path/file.iid")
entries = iidfile.fetch(everything=True)

IID files are not image files, rather they store labeled segments that maps a image file. The IID files have no set resolution, instead every segments has a bounding box that places the segment mask on the image it maps. There is no limit to the number segments or the ways that they can overlap. Overlaps has no depth hierachy, there is no concept of in front or behind.
Internally an .iid file contain a lookup table, where each entry stores an IID and a segment pair. Each entry have a key, which correspond to their position in the lookup table.
# Add entry (iid, segment) to iidfile
iidfile.add(address=b'foo', domain=b'bar', bbox=bbox, mask=mask)

# Get the first entry
entry = iidfile.fetch(everything=True)[0]

# Attributes
key = entry.key
address = entry.iid.address
domain = entry.iid.domain
mask = entry.seg.mask()
bbox = entry.seg.bbox

Segments are binary masks placed by a bounding box. These masks are paired to a single IID each, and thereby maps the part of the image they cover to that spesific IID.
IID (Individual IDentifiers)
IIDs are labels composed of an address and a domain. Both the domain and address is stored as raw byte strings. There is no length limit to this bytestring. The domain defines the context (what language/protocol) and address defines the name of the label in that context.
The purpose of IIDs is to provide globally unique labels that can link segments across .iid files.
# Masks are binary numpy buffers
mask = np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.bool)

# Bounding boxes determine the placement of the mask in the image coordinate space
h, w = mask.shape
bbox = y, x, y+h, x+w # minr, minc, maxr, maxc

iidfile.add(address=b'foo', domain=b'bar', bbox=bbox, mask=mask)

An IID-file is structured with a lookup table that maps the memory location of the entry data. This enables selective loading of file-content. Selective loading can limit the parsing needed when searching through large .iid files. This python implementation uses mmap to parse spesific parts of the file-buffer.
Groups are sets of entries, they enable faster and targeted loading of segments.
# Adding entry to group on creation
iidfile.add(address=b'foo', domain=b'bar', bbox=bbox, mask=mask, group='sys')

# Only load segments in specified group
iidfile = IIDFile(fpath='path/file.iid')
entries = iidfile.fetch(groups=['sys'])

An embedded dict stores any additional meta data, this can be camera parameters or info about the external image. The dict must be JSON serializable.
metadata = iidfile.meta.data

Segments and regions
Internally segments are split up into smaller regions of connected patches, this compresses the segment mask buffer, especially when the mask is large and scattered.


Use docstring for details.


add - Add an entry (iid and segment) to file
save - Save file to disk
fetch - Selective loading of entries
look_for - Search for iids
filter - Filter loaded entries
at - Get segments intersecting at position
region - Get segments intersecting with a given bounding box
compute_overlap - Computes an overlap graph from loaded segments

📦 Download some example .iid files
Assign segments and save to disk
from iidfile import IIDFile

iidfile = IIDFile() # Creates empty iidfile

data = [
(b'tree', numpy_buffer_1, xy_1),
(b'leaf', numpy_buffer_2, xy_2),
(b'root', numpy_buffer_3, xy_3)

for iid, mask, xy in data:

# Format bbox to minr, minc, maxr, maxc
x, y, w, h = *xy, mask.shape[1], mask.shape[0]
bbox = (y, x, y+h, x+w)

iidfile.add(address=iid, domain=b'example', bbox=bbox, mask=mask)


Fetch content from saved file
# Load everything
iidfile = IIDFile(fpath='example.iid')
entries = iidfile.fetch(everything=True)

# Only load entries in group 'sys', and only load their iids,
# this will not load their segments.
iidfile = IIDFile(fpath='example.iid')
entries = iidfile.fetch(groups=['sys'], iids=True)

# Load all entries and only load their segments,
# this will not load their iids.
iidfile = IIDFile(fpath='example.iid')
entries = iidfile.fetch(all_keys=True, segs=True)

# Only load the first 50 entries.
iidfile = IIDFile(fpath='example.iid')
entries = iidfile.fetch(keys=range(50), iids=True)

Query, filter and look for content
# Finds all segments intersecting at x:400, y:600.
iidfile = IIDFile(fpath='example.iid')
entries = iidfile.at(400, 600)

# Only fetch entries in the group 'sys', do not load thier
# iids and find which intersects with the bounding box.
iidfile = IIDFile(fpath='example.iid')
iidfile.fetch(group=['sys'], iids=False)
entries = iidfile.region(bbox, only_loaded=True)

# Check if iid addressess exists in file.
iidfile = IIDFile(fpath='example.iid')
entries = iidfile.look_for(addresses=[b'tree', b'leaf'])

# Filter entries in file, this return entries in the group
# 'rep' with a segment area of 4000 and greater.
iidfile = IIDFile(fpath='example.iid')
entries = iidfile.filter(groups=['rep'], area=(4000, None))

Described with psuedo-BNF. Types contained in brackets { } represents lists.
Common types
char ::= 1 byte
uint8 ::= 1 byte
uint16 ::= 2 byte short
uint32 ::= 4 byte 32-bit unsigned integer
len ::= uint32 length in bytes
string ::= len { char }
json ::= string raw json string
bufloc ::= uint32 uint32 buffer location, offset and length

File structure
file ::= header
lut lookup table (LUT) from key to iid and segment
meta meta data as json
groups groups
segments segments

header ::= version format version number
rformat TODO: consider removing?
bufloc_lut location of lookuptable
bufloc_iids location of iid data (relative)
bufloc_meta location of meta data
bufloc_groups location of groups
bufloc_segs location of segments

version ::= uint32
rformat ::= uint32

lut ::= { key iid seg }
iids ::= { key len len bytes bytes } key, len, len, domain, iid
meta ::= json metadata and other info

groups ::= len json { group } len, group list, group data
group ::= { key } list of LUT keys

key ::= uint32 LUT key, maps to iid and segment
iid ::= bufloc location of iid
seg ::= bufloc location of segment

segments ::= { key bbox area { region } }
region ::= len bbox { byte } len, bbox, mask buffer

area ::= uint32 counted in pixels
bbox ::= uint16*4 minr, minc, maxr, maxc


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