ilytix 0.2.5

Creator: bradpython12

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ilytix 0.2.5

A simple command-line tool for visual image analysis, with features like checking image integrity, deduplication, and retrieval, written in Rust.
pip install -U ilytix

Getting Started
Check the integrity of images (检查图片完整性)
It will attempt to repair incorrect image formats whenever possible.
ilytix check -i ./datasets -r -o A/B/C

-i <PATH> Path for input image or images folder.
-o <PATH> Path for setting the saving results.
-r, --recursive Recursively traverse folders to obtain files.
--mv Store results by moving instead of copying.
And you'll see something like this
✔ Source · /home/qweasd/Desktop/datasets › Folder
✔ Recursively · true

🐢 Integrity Checking [####################] 73/73 (100% | 0.00s | 00:00:00)
✔ Found · x73
· Intact › x34
· Incorrect › x3
· Deprecated Or Unsupported › x36

🐢 Saving[Copy] [####################] 73/73 (100% | 0.00s | 00:00:00)
✔ Results saved to · /home/qweasd/Desktop/A/B/C

Images deduplication (图片去重)
Used for deduplicating images within a folder.
ilytix dedup -i ./datasets -r -o A/B/C

-i <PATH> Path for images folder.
-o <PATH> Path for setting the saving results.
-r, --recursive Recursively traverse folders to obtain files.
--mv Store results by moving instead of copying.
-thresh Used to adjust image similarity threshold.
And you'll see something like this
✔ Source · /home/qweasd/Desktop/datasets › Folder
✔ Recursively · true

🐢 Building [####################] 73/73 (100% | 0.00s | 00:00:00)
✔ Index
· Capacity › 73
· Size › 37
· Dimensions › 32

🐢 Deduplicating [####################] 73/73 (100% | 0.00s | 00:00:00)
✔ Found
· Duplicated › x17
· Curated › x20
· Deprecated Or Unsupported › x36

🐢 Saving[Copy] [####################] 73/73 (100% | 0.00s | 00:00:00)
✔ Results saved to · /home/qweasd/Desktop/A/B/C-1

Image-Image Retrival (图片检索相似图片)
ilytix retrive -i <Images Folder> -r --query <Query> -v

✔ Collection · /home/qweasd/Desktop/4test › Folder
✔ Recursively · true

🐢 Building [####################] 10,693/10,693 (100% | 0.00s | 00:00:36)
✔ Index
· Capacity › 10693
· Size › 10677
· Dimensions › 32
✔ Query · /home/qweasd/Desktop/query.png
✔ Matched · x6
· /home/qweasd/Desktop/4test/clips/query (3rd copy).png
· /home/qweasd/Desktop/4test/clips/query (another copy).png
· /home/qweasd/Desktop/4test/clips/query (4th copy).png
· /home/qweasd/Desktop/4test/clips/query (copy).png
· /home/qweasd/Desktop/4test/clips/query.png
· /home/qweasd/Desktop/4test/clips/query (5th copy).png

🐢 Saving[Copy] [####################] 6/6 (100% | 0.00s | 00:00:00)
✔ Results saved to · /home/qweasd/Desktop/A/B


images integrity check
images de-duplicate
image-image retrival
text-image retrival
image catption


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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