im-futuretest-webapp2 0.1.1

Creator: bradpython12

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imfuturetestwebapp2 0.1.1

# im_futuretest_webapp2These are the webapp2 utilities for the im_futuretest library. If your project uses webapp2, this is the package you want.[![Build Status](]( Install Use the python package for this library. You can find the package online [here]( to your Python App Engine project's root folder and do the following:> pip install im_futuretest_webapp2 --target libOr add it to your requirements.txt. You'll also need to set up vendoring, see [app engine vendoring instructions here]( Configuring im_futuretest_webapp2This package provides functions that set up webapp2 routes for im_futuretest, both for its api and its ui.To get your tests running properly, you should add these routes in your main app (wherever your main webapp2 app is constructed). Doing this ensures that your tests have exactly the same code loaded as the code they're testing would have when being used normally, ie: no dependency hell.### app.yamlThe futuretest handlers all have routes of the form:/futuretest/XXX(where XXX may include more levels of pathing)Say you already have an app.yaml rule which pushes all routes to your main app, say, as follows: handlers: - url: * script: main.appThen this will work for futuretest without any modification.If things are a little messy, you can just add this somewhere early in app.yaml: - url: /futuretest/* script: login: adminThis will direct all futuretest routes to the "app" webapp2 application constructed in Obviously modify this as needed.Also note the requirement for the user to be an admin of your project. Futuretest is designed to run potentially long running and expensive tests; it's best not to open that up to all comers!### main.pyNow traffic is going to the app constructed in we need to add futuretest routes to app.Do it like this: import webapp2 ... other imports ... routes = [ ... ] ... addroutes_futuretest_webapp2(routes) # this is the important bit, adds required routes ... app = webapp2.WSGIApplication(routes)ie: just call addroutes_futuretest_webapp2(app) somewhere in Accessing the UIGo to the url http(s)://<yourdomain>/futuretest/uiand you'll see the UI:![IM Future Test screenshot]( "IM Future Test screenshot")


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