imagebot 1.2.1

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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imagebot 1.2.1

This bot (image scraper) crawls a given url(s) and downloads all the images.


Supported platforms: Linux / Windows / Python 2.7.
Maintains a database of all downloaded images to avoid duplicate downloads.
Optionally, it can scrape only under a particular url, e.g. scraping with this option will only download from new album.
Filters urls by regex.
Filters images by minimum size.
Scrapes through javascript popup links (limited support).
Live monitor window for displaying images as they are scraped.
Asynchronous i/o design using scrapy and twisted.

crawl command:

Scrape images:
imagebot crawl
imagebot crawl,

Options for crawl command:

-d, –domains
Scrape images while allowing images to be downloaded from other domain(s) (add multiple domains with comma separated list). The domain in the start url(s) is(are) allowed by default.
imagebot crawl -d,
-is, –images-store
Specify image store location. Default: ~/Pictures/crawled/[jobname]
imagebot crawl -is /home/images
-s, –min-size
Specify minimum size of image to be downloaded (width x height).
imagebot crawl -s 300x300
-u, –stay-under
Stay under the start url. Only those urls that have the start url as prefix will be crawled. Useful, for example, to crawl an album or a subsection on a website.
imagebot crawl -u
-m, –monitor
Launch monitor window for displaying images as they are scraped.
imagebot crawl -m
-a, –user-agent
Set user-agent string. Default: imagebot. It is recommended to change it to identify your bot as a matter of responsible crawling.
imagebot crawl -a "my_imagebot("
-r, –url-regex
Specify regex for urls. Only those urls matching the regex will be crawled. It does not apply to start url(s).
imagebot crawl -r .*gallery.*
-dl, –depth-limit
Specify depth limit for crawling. Use value of 0 to scrape only on start url(s).
imagebot crawl -dl 2
A list of well known cdn’s is included and enabled by default for image downloads. Use this option to disable it.
-at, –auto-throttle
Enable auto throttle feature of scrapy. (details in scrapy docs).
-j, –jobname
Specify a job name. This will be used to store image meta data in the database. By default, domain name of the start url is used as the job name.
-nc, –no-cache
Disable http caching.
-l, –log-level
Specify log level.
Supported levels: info, silent, critical, error, debug, warning. Default: error.
imagebot crawl -l debug
-h, –help
Get help on crawl command options.

clear command:

This command is useful for various kinds of cleanup.
Options for clear command:

Clear http cache.
Remove image metadata for a job from the database.
imagebot clear --db
Multiple copies of same image may be downloaded due to different urls. Use this option to delete duplicate images for a job.
imagebot clear --duplicate-images
-h, –help
Get help on clear command options.


pywin32 (

Needed on Windows.

python-gi (Python GObject Introspection API)

Needed on Linux for gtk UI. (Optional). If not found, python built-in Tkinter will be used.
On Ubuntu: apt-get install python-gi

scrapy (web crawling framework)

It will be automatically installed by pip.

Pillow (Python Imaging Library)

It will be automatically installed by pip.




For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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