imake 0.3.1

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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imake 0.3.1


Requirements |
Install |
Configuration |
Using |
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| More Commands |

Built with ❤︎ by:
William Canin in free time,
to the sound of the playlist: Bursting Of The Tympanum

iMake is a command line tool to simplify commands in Python projects, discarding the usability of a Makefile file.
As iMake saves on typed commands, passing them a configuration file.
To work correctly, you will first need:

Python (v3.9 or recent);
Pip (v21.0.1 or recent) must be installed;

$ pip install imake --user

The configuration file must exist at the location where imake will be called. The file must be named .imake, that is, a file hidden on Unix systems.
To create the file use command:
imake init

After creating the file, you should leave it with the following structure. Example:
commands = ["python sdist"]

The key with the name commands is an Array and must be mandatory for iMake. In this key you must inform the commands you want to execute using the primary key, in this case, the build.
Option with multiple commands:
commands = ["rm -rf build", "rm -rf docs/_build;", "python sdist"]

You can also execute commands in blocks instead of a list, as follows using triple quotes:
commands = ["""
if [[ -d "build" ]]; then
rm -r build;
rm -rf docs/_build;
rm -rf .pytest_cache;

iMake settings still have 3 other keys, which are description, initial_message, and final_message. All optional.
The key description you must put only a description for a given command. Example:
description = "This command compiles the project."
commands = ["rm -rf build", "rm -rf docs/_build;", "python sdist"]

The initial_message key is a message that will appear before the commands start. Example:
description = "This command compiles the project."
initial_message = "Starting the build ..."
commands = ["rm -rf build", "rm -rf docs/_build;", "python sdist"]

The final_message key is a message that will appear after the commands are finished. Example:
description = "This command compiles the project."
initial_message = "Starting the build ..."
commands = ["rm -rf build", "rm -rf docs/_build;", "python sdist"]
final_message = "Build command finished!"

Note: The position of the keys does not imply anything, but the values do. The command that you put first in the commands key will be the first to be executed.

Another interesting option is that you can call the execution of a command within another one using imake. Would be like this:
description = "This command compiles the project."
initial_message = "Starting the build ..."
commands = ["imake clean -q", "python sdist"]
final_message = "Build command finished!"

Notice that the command imake clean -q is inside commands. Where the -q option means to silence verbose mode.
After making the settings in the file .imake, execute the command imake followed by the primary key, which in our example is build. It will look like this:
$ imake build

You can run the help command, imake -h to show which commands are available to you. Any configuration that is in the .imake file will be shown in help, minus the description of each command, which will be shown only if you run the --desc or -d option, for example:
$ imake build --desc

More Commands
For more command information, use:
$ imake -h

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The project is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License ©


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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