img2catalog 0.4.0

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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img2catalog 0.4.0


This tool queries an XNAT instance and generates DCAT-AP 3.0 metadata. Every XNAT project is considered
to be a separate Dataset. Only 'public' and 'protected' datasets are queried.
This tool requires an installation of Python 3.8 or higher.
Download a wheel file from releases and install using pip install. The tool can then be run by
running the img2catalog command from the commandline.
Basic example: img2catalog; output will appear at stdout. A log file img2catalog.log will be
created in the directory from which you run this program.
The tool supports both public and private XNAT instances. For authentication, you can either supply
a username and/or password at the commandline or use a .netrc file. For more information regarding
this, see the XNATpy documentation.
By default, output of the tool is in turtle format at stdout to make for easy piping, but it can be
written in a variety of formats to a file, too. For all options, see img2catalog --help:
Usage: img2catalog [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

This tool queries metadata from an XNAT server

-s, --server TEXT URI of the server to connect to (including http:// or
https://). If not set, will use environment variables
XNATPY_HOST or XNAT_HOST. [required]
-u, --username TEXT Username to use, leave empty to use netrc entry or
anonymous login or environment variable XNAT_USER.
-p, --password TEXT Password to use with the username, leave empty when
using netrc. If a username is given and no password
or environment variable, there will be a prompt on
the console requesting the password. Environment
variable: XNAT_PASS
-c, --config PATH Configuration file to use. If not set, will use
~/.img2catalog/config.toml if it exists.
-v, --verbose Enables debugging mode.
-l, --logfile FILE Path of logfile to use. Default is img2catalog.log in
current directory
--optin TEXT Opt-in keyword. If set, only projects with this
keyword will be included
--optout TEXT Opt-out keyword. If set, projects with this keyword
will be excluded
--version Show the version and exit.
--help Show this message and exit.


Usage: img2catalog dcat [OPTIONS]

-o, --output FILE Destination file to write output to. If not
set, the script will print serialized output
to stdout.
-f, --format [xml|n3|turtle|nt|pretty-xml|trix|trig|nquads|json-ld|hext]
The format that the output should be written
in. This value references a Serializer
plugin in RDFlib. Supportd values are:
"xml", "n3", "turtle", "nt", "pretty-xml",
"trix", "trig", "nquads", "json-ld" and
"hext". Defaults to "turtle".
--help Show this message and exit.

Usage: img2catalog fdp [OPTIONS]

-s, --sparql URIREF URL of SPARQL endpoint of FDP, used for querying which
dataset to update
-c, --catalog URIREF Catalog URI where datasets will be placed in
-p, --password TEXT Password of FDP to push to [required]
-u, --username TEXT Username of FDP to push to [required]
-f, --fdp TEXT URL of FDP to push datasets to [required]
--help Show this message and exit.

An example configuration file config.toml is supplied with this project. By default, img2catalog
will look for a configuration file in ~/.img2catalog/config.toml. The tool will not create the file
or folder if it does not exist, you will have to do so manually. If the file does not exist, the
example file will be used.
A limited number of properties can be set in the configuration, including the title and name of the
xnat (DCAT) catalog and the publisher of the catalog. A default contact point for datasets can also
be provided and will be included in the Dataset properties.
We are still working on adding more default values for certain DCAT properties to the configuration.
There is limited support for using environment variables. For setting the XNAT server, variables
XNAT_HOST or XNATPY_HOST can be used, with the latter taking preference. Authentication can be
provided in XNAT_USER and XNAT_PASS.
Commandline arguments take precedence over environment variables. Environment variables take
precedence over .netrc login.
Inclusion and exclusion of projects
By default, all public and protected projects are indexed. Private projects are not indexed, even
if you provide user credentials that have relevant permissions for them.
Further granularity can be provided by using keywords. There is functionality for an opt-in keyword
and an opt-out keyword, though only one of these at the time. If an opt-in keyword is set, only
projects containing this magic keyword in their metadata will be indexed. All other projects will be
ignored. If an opt-out keyword is set, all projects except for those containing the magic opt-out
keyword will be indexed. The keywords can be configured in either the settings or the CLI, see the
example configuration file.
Note that private projects will never be indexed, not even if an opt-in keyword is set in them.
This project uses Hatch as a project manager. After cloning the
repository, the development version can be run by hatch run img2catalog. Hatch will take care of
dependencies and all of that.
You can run unit tests by running hatch run test, or get in a shell in the python environment by
running hatch shell. Hatch uses whatever Python version is currently loaded.
This project is compatible with Python 3.8 and up.
Pull requests are very much welcomed! As long the output remains at least DCAT-AP v3 compliant,
we are open to any additions.
Currently, only title, description, keywords and PI are set as well as title, description and
publisher of the catalogue. There is no Distribution, Dataset Series or anything else.
The language of the fields also is not set.

This project is co-funded by the European Union under Grant Agreement 101100633. Views and opinions
expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the
European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can
be held responsible for them.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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