imgdb 0.9.1

Creator: bradpython12

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imgdb 0.9.1

Imgdb - a command line IMDb search app

This is a Python command line application that allows the user to get
IMDb information about a particular title as well as downloading its
corresponding poster.

Imgdb is a play on the IMDb acronym. Since the application can also
download movie posters, I added the g to IMDb to get a name that is
both closer to IMDb while also representing one of the main application's
functionalities at the same time.
The idea behind Imgdb is to create a simple command line application that
fetches information about a specific title (e.g., a movie or series) from IMDb
as well as RottenTomatoes.
The application makes use of the freely available IMDb datasets
to extract the required information (e.g., genres, title, rating, etc).
To achieve that, Imgdb also uses Google Custom Search API to make
sure the entered title is exactly what the user is looking for.
Imgdb is also capable of doing some fancy stuff by leveraging the power of ImageMagick to
generate an image containing the movie's or series' ratings like so:

Python dependencies


System dependencies


In order to use the image editing option, you should have ImageMagick installed on you system.
Please, use your distribution's package manager to install it.
The easiest way to install Imgdb is to use pip:
pip install imgdb

The application is configured using a yaml configuration file that resides
in your XDG_CONFIG_HOME directory. After running the application for the first
time, it will create an initial configuration file (imgdb.yaml) in the
$HOME/.config/imgdb directory.
The imgdb.yaml file should have the following structure:
download: true | false
image editing: true | false
font: <font name>
log file path: <path/to/log/file.log>
update frequency: daily | weekly | bi-weekly | 1d (for 1 day) | 1h (for 1 hour) | etc
google search api key: <google API key>
imdb custom search id: <custom IMDb search engine ID>

You can refer to imgdb_config_template.yaml for an example
configuration file.
Usage: imgdb [OPTIONS]

--mov TEXT The title of the movie.
--tv TEXT The title of the series.
--tvmini TEXT The title of the mini series.
--debug TEXT The logging level of the application.
--logfile TEXT The path of the log file.
--freq TEXT The update frequency of the datasets.
--font TEXT The font used to generate the rating image.
-d Download the movie's poster image.
-e Save the edited image containing the movie's ratings.
--help Show this message and exit.

When you run the application for the first time, it will attempt to download
the required IMDb datasets from
You can think of them as daily snapshot of the huge IMDb database.
The application needs these datasets in order to extract and display information
about a specific movie or series.
I opted for this solution because it allows Imgdb to fetch almost all the information
from the datasets that are stored on the user's computer.
This makes the application more reliable as opposed to scraping for example.
These datasets are automatically updated on a weekly basis by default. However, you can
always change the automatic update frequency by using the --freq option as documented
above. In most cases, you don't really need to update them very frequently. A weekly or
even a bi-weekly update interval should suffice.
To use the application, you also need a Google API key as well as an IMDb custom search
engine ID.
You can refer to the relevant Google documentation
for more information on how to get and use an API key.
For creating an IMDb custom search engine (Google), you can refer to this
Once you have the application set up properly, you can invoke it like so:
imgdb --mov "The Dark Knight" -de

The above command will display the following information in your terminal:
Title: The Dark Knight
Genres: Action, Crime, Drama
Year: 2008
Runtime: 152 min
IMDb Rating: 9.0
RottenTomatoes Rating: 94
Description: The Dark Knight: Directed by Christopher Nolan. With
Christian Bale, Heath Ledger, Aaron Eckhart, Michael
Caine. When the menace known as the Joker wreaks havoc
and chaos on the people of Gotham, Batman must accept
one of the greatest psychological and physical tests
of his ability to fight injustice.
➜ Downloading: The_Dark_Knight.jpg - Size: 274 KiB

100%|██████████████████████████████████| 281k/281k [00:00<00:00, 3.15MiB/s]
Edited image saved as: The_Dark_Knight_by_imgdb.png

It will also download the movie's poster (The_Dark_Knight.jpg) and save it in the current directory.
The The_Dark_Knight_by_imgdb.png rating image will look something like this:

For optimal results, you should use a good design font like Maler which is
the default font of the application that was used in the image above.
To get a list of installed fonts that can be used with the application, you can issue
this command:
convert -list font


Add multi result search option
Add API-less search option
Add JSON output


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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