imgsync 1.5.1

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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imgsync 1.5.1

OpenStack Glance Image Synchronization tool
This application will download images from the official distribution
repository, and upload them to OpenStack Glance. It is possible to define
custom properties and prefixes for all the synced images.
Available distribution repositories
Currently the following images repositories are supported:

CentOS 6:
CentOS 7:


Debian 9:
Debian testing:


Ubuntu 14.04:
Ubuntu 16.04:
Ubuntu 18.04:

Install it via PyPI:
pip install imgsync

Or install it from the repo:
git clone
pip install imgsync

Copy /etc/imgsync/imgsync.conf.sample into /etc/imgsync/imgsync.conf and
adjust it your your needs. Take into account the following:

You need to configure your OpenStack Keystone authentication under the
[keystone_auth] section. The user should be able to publicize images in
your glance deployment (check your policy file).

You can define a prefix to be used for all the distribution names with the
prefix option.

Additionally you can add some custom image properties, using the properties
option, that can be repeated multiple times for multiple properties.

The list of images to be downloaded is configured via the distributions

CentOS distributions define additional options to allow the download of
all the published images, or just the latest one. This is configured in
the [centos6] and [centos6] sections. This is not possible for Debian and

Image properties
imgsync sets a property source=imgsync to all the images that donwloaded
and synced. This way we can identify if an image is uploaded into glance by us
or by anyone else. This property is hardcoded and cannot be reconfigured or
replaced by something else. Other properties set by imgsync are are stored with the
imgsync.prefix (like imgsync.sha256 or imgsync.sha512)
Nevertheless, it is also possible to define additional properties in the form
"key=value" via the properties option in the configuration file (you can
specify this option several times).
Therefore, it is important that you configure glance to enable the proper
policy protection rules
so that only the configured user is able to write those properties (i.e. at
least source, imgsync.sha512 and imgsync.sha256). Moreover, you need to
configure nova to exclude those properties when nova creates and uploads an
snapshot to glance, via the non_inheritable_image_properties option in your
/etc/nova/nova.conf configuration file (again, at least add source,
imgsync.sha512 and imgsync.sha256).


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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