imgtk 1.0.0

Creator: bradpython12

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imgtk 1.0.0

Image file manipulation toolkit
This tool provides image file manipulation subcommands. Currently
supported commands are as follows:

sub command

Join multiple image files into one PDF file.

Sort image files into folders using exif date

Find duplicate images in folder using image hash

> pip install imgtk

Usage : join
Convert set of images to PDF.
This tool is intended to merge multiple scanned images into one PDF file.
The tool will take multiple images in order, a directory of images or
both and merge them into a PDF file in the order it is given.
Images in the directory will be searched by specified extensions and sorted by name.
Usage: imgtk join [OPTIONS] [IMG]...

Join images into one PDF file

-c, --config <cfg> Configuration File (default: imgtk-join.yml)
-o, --out <out> output filename for the generated PDF
-t, --toc <toc> toc file to populate PDF outline
-e, --ext <ext> file extensions to pick up when parsing directories
-d, --dpi <dpi> pixel density of input image in dpi
-v, --verbose output in verbose mode
-h, --help Show this message and exit.


-c, --config

Configuration File (default: i2p.yml)

-o, --out

output filename for the generated PDF

-t, --toc

toc file to populate PDF outline (TBD)

-e, --ext

file extensions to pick up when parsing directories.
directories will be searched for all files using this extensions.
can set multiple items.

-d, --dpi

pixel density of input image in dpi. used to calculate image width and
height in mm.

-v, --verbose

output in verbose mode
specify twice to get debug messages

-h, --help

Show help message

Configuration file
YAML based configuration file (default file name: imgtk-join.yaml)
is used to store default settings for the tool.
The command line options will take precedence over the configuration parameters.
Following shows the default settings of the configuration
out: output.pdf
toc: toc.yml
dpi: 96
- jpg
- jpeg
- png

TOC File (default name: toc.yml)
Consist of dictionary with following structure, where level is the
outline level (starting from 0), and title is the title of the
outline and will be inserted at pagenum. The keys are case
- level: Num
title: 'Title'

Note, each entry inside the page must be an array of dictionaries.
This is to allow multiple ToC item to be inserted in one page.
Example may be as follows:
- level: 0
title: 'Getting Started'
- level: 1
title: 'Installation'
- level: 1
title: 'Hello, World'
- level: 0
title: 'Programming a Guessing Game'

Usage : sort
Command to sort image files in one folder to another by date of image (exif meta-data or file creation date).
Moves/Copies the images inside SRCDIR into sorted folders under TGTDIR.
Target folders will be sorted based on the date the image was created
(Referes to Exif meta-data or the file creation date if exif is not
Usage: imgtk sort [OPTIONS] SRCDIR TGTDIR

Sort and Move/Copy images from SRCDIR to TGTDIR.

--copy Copy files from SRCDIR to TGTDIR (Default)
--move Move files from SRCDIR to TGTDIR
-r, --recurse Search for images in SRCDIR recursively
-o, --overwrite Overwrite files in TGTDIR
-H, --hierarch Create a hierarchical directory for Year, Month and Date in
-d, --dry-run Dry run the command without moving
-f, --fmt <fmt> Format target directory name using date format strftime
string give in <fmt> (default: %Y-%m-%d).
-v, --verbose output in verbose mode
-h, --help Show this message and exit.



specify whether the file should be copied or moved.
Files will be copied if not specified.

-r, --recursive

search images in SOURCEDIR and any subdirectories.

-o, --overwrite

overwrite any image files in TARGETDIR

-H, --hierarch

create a folder for year, month and date in a hierarchical manner
instead of one folder for each date.

-d, --dry-run

dry run the command. nothing will be moved

-f, --fmt DATEFORMAT

format the folder name using date format string specified by DATEFORMAT
ignored when "-h" is specified.

-v, --verbose

verbose mode

Usage : dedup
This is a tool to find similar images in a set of images using imagehash
library. If two or more similar images are found (same hash value), the
images are moved to a subfolder for each hash value.
Usage: imgtk dedup [OPTIONS] PATH

Find duplicates in PATH using <hashfunc>

<hashfunc> can be any of the following:

ahash : Average hash
phash : Perceptual hash
dhash : Difference hash (default)
haar : Haar wavelet hash
db4 : Daubechies wavelet hash
color : HSV color hash
crop : crop-resistant hash

-s, --hash-size <size> hash size to use for image hashing (default:
-f, --hash-func <hashfunc> hash function to use for comparing images
-v, --verbose output in verbose mode
-h, --help Show this message and exit.



PATH with the images to check for (will not be recursed)

-s, --hash-size SIZE

specify the hash size to use. (Default: 8)

-f, --hash-func


Use Average hash to find duplicates in PATH


Use HSV color hash to find duplicates in PATH


Use Crop resistant hash to find similar images in PATH


Use Daubechies wavelet hash to find duplicates in PATH


Use Difference hash to find duplicates in PATH


Use Haar wavelet hash to find duplicates in PATH


Use Perceptual hash to find duplicates in PATH

-v, --verbose

specify verbosity. specify twice to get debug message

If two or more images with the same hash is found, they are put into the
same folder with tha hash value as the folder name.
Known Issues
Need to be implemented.
Building an Executable
Install pyinstaller and package the project.
May want to use venv when executing the pyinstaller.
First, enter venv and install the local package and pyinstaller
>. .venv/Scripts/activate
(.venv) >pip install .
Processing /path/to/proj/imgtk
Installing collected packages: imgtk
Running install for imgtk ... done
Successfully installed imgtk-0.1.0

(.venv) >pip install pyinstaller
Successfully installed pyinstaller-3.6

Use pyinstaller to build the exe file.
(.venv) >pyinstaller imgtk\ --onefile --name imgtk
13691 INFO: Building EXE from EXE-00.toc completed successfully.

Executable should be ready in dist/imgtk.exe
The project will follow the semver2.0 versioning scheme.
With initial development phase starting at 0.1.0 and increasing
minor/patch versions until we deploy the tool to production
(and reach 1.0.0).
The interface relevant to versioning is whatever defined in this
document's "Usage" section (includes all (sub)commands, their cli arguments,
and the format of the configuration file "imgtk.yaml").
Version History


Bump to 1.0.0. Update Pillow to latest

First Release


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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