impact-stack-observability 0.2.0

Creator: bradpython12

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impactstackobservability 0.2.0

Observability for Impact Stack
A package providing observability features for Flask apps.
Health checks
The Health Flask extension provides health checks via an HTTP API.
The list of checks is extendable per app.
How it works
When called the requested checks run and return True or False. When all
checks return True the service/app is considered healthy (i.e. in the
running state), otherwise it is considered to be in a degraded state.
Checks are expected to be a Python callable, which takes no arguments and
returns a boolean.
Create an implementation module, e.g in a file:
"""Instantiate and configure checks."""

from impact_stack.observability import health as health_

health = health_.Health()

health.register_check("true", health_.checks.check_true, add_to_defaults=False)

@health.register_check("foo", add_to_defaults=False)
def check_foo():
"""Check for availability of foo."""
return True

import flask

from . import health

app = flask.Flask(__name__)

No configuration is read from app.config. You are supposed to configure and
optionally extend the Health extension in the implementation module.
Checking the liveliness of the app
You can do a simple liveliness check at /health/ping (default), which will
just return a 200 OK text response.
Checking the service health
A more comprehensive health check is available at /health/ (default).
This returns a JSON response with following structure (prettyfied):
"health": "running",
"available_checks": [
"checks": {
"foo": true

The health field can be of:

running: All requested checks returned true
degraded: At least one of the checks returned false

Specific checks can be requested with the checks parameter:

/health/?checks=_defaults: Run all the checks registered as defaults, same
as omitting the checks parameter alltogether
/health/?checks=true,foo: Run the listed checks

Headers to prevent caching of the health responses are set.
Provided checks
Some generic checks are providing in this module.
check_true and check_false
Dummy checks which return just true resp. false
(Requires Flask-SQLAlchemy.)
Checks if the DB (using the default SQLAlchemy engine) is available by trying a SELECT 1
(Needs instantiation.)
Base check for checking the liveliness of an (external) HTTP API.
Example usage:
import functools

from impact_stack.observability import health as health

check_example = functools.partial(
200, # expected response status code
2.0, # timeout
health.register_check("example", check_example)

A simple mechanism to prevent unrestricted calls to the /health/ endpoint is
using a shared secret in the HTTP calls.
Set the required config variable HEALTH_URL_SECRET to a (random) string and
use the GET param auth in calls to the endpoint.
Returns 401 if the secret does not match.
Raises a RuntimeError if not set.
If the HEALTH_URL_SECRET is set to None, checking the secret is disabled.


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