impulsare-distributer 1.0b4

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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impulsaredistributer 1.0b4

A queue manager based on rq and made for impulsare. It helps to :
- add items to a queue
- listen for a queue via a cli listener
See tests/static/ for examples of configuration.

Installation / Usage
To install use pip:
$ pip install --upgrade impulsare-distributer

You need to create/add to your configuration file:
# Required, redis address

# Optional
port: 6379

# If a component needs to send data to a queue,
# define here where what is the queue's name (next one)
# used by impulsare-ruler to send to writer for example (ruler: {queue: writer})
queue: my_test_queue

This is a simple implementation of rq's worker. If you need to listen for a queue,
no need to have a config file, run in cli:
$ queue-listener --host redis --queue my_test_queue
To be able to see the next example working, keep that opened in a separate window.

Queue Usage
To use the queue manager, and send jobs to be processed:
from impulsare_distributer import QueueManager
from mymodule import my_method

queue = QueueManager(config_file='tests/static/config_valid.yml', listener='testqueue')
queue.add(method=my_method, item='Hello World', job='test')

Development & Tests
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
$ py.test
If you run your tests with a different redis server than localhost:
$ REDIS=redis py.test


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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