Includeigen 0.1 | Product

includeigen 0.1

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includeigen 0.1


includeigen can be used by Python packages that require the C++ library
Eigen. It includes a version of Eigen, and a get_include function that
returns the path to the directory of the source code.
Currently, the version of Eigen is 3.4.0.
The includeigen is available on Pypi and conda-forge. Simply execute
python -m pip install includeigen

conda install includeigen -c conda-forge

Developer's Corner

To change Eigen's version, checkout the submodule to the corresponding tag
(e.g. 3.4) and commit the change.

To release a new version, make a new github release. The chosen tag will be
the version number.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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