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incolumepy.makefilelicense 0.3.1
Makefile License Incolume Python
This software take a License ( and agregate into the project.
pip Install
pip install incolumepy.makefilelicense
poetry Install
poetry add incolumepy.makefilelicense
Command make
Licenses avaliables:
make [license-agpl license-apache license-bsl license-cc0 license-gpl \
license-lgpl license-mit license-mpl]
Options for make command:
$ make
clean help license-boost-v1
license-gnu-gpl-v3 license-mozilla-v2 release
tox clean-all install
license-cc0 license-gnu-lgpl-v3 lint
setup unlicense format
license-apache-v2 license-gnu-agpl-v3 license-mit
prerelease test
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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