indelible-log 0.4.6

Creator: bradpython12

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indeliblelog 0.4.6

This package is a client library for the managed Indelible Logs service.
What is Indelible?
Indelible is a new managed, persistent storage service, that is:

secure by default, end-to-end encrypted, safe, and private - you never have to expose any plaintext data to us. Even for indexes. Did you read that right? Yes, you did: Indelible is a persistent store that provides value without needing access to any of your unencrypted data. This also means that, in the event of a data breach, there's nothing fun to see.
versioned - old versions remain readable until you're done with them
immutable - new data is put in new versions; old versions never modified == eliminates data races, simplifies processing. This is a big whole thing that shouldn't fit in a bullet point.
highly-available - layering atop today's great HA KV stores means 99.999% availability
strongly consistent - sanity is more important than throughput

reactive - no additional pubsub/event sourcing/CQRS required. Notifications come as pulls containing diffs showing what changed since the last version you saw.

Why do I want it to use Indelible now?

secure by default -> encrypted by client, no plaintext to worry about breaching
easy to plumb - diff your data like you diff your software
you can build much more easily on a system that does not overwrite data, or make you wade through huge streams (when all you really want is diffs)
strongly-consistent with 99.999% availability
solves at least 1 of the major problems of computer science: versioning simplifies caching, and cache invalidation
simpler idempotency leads to simpler systems
immutability will change your life. it'll put back the years on your life that eventual consistency took off.
Indelible can eliminate polling -> lowers latency, improves user experience

Python API Tour
This is a quick tour of the Indelible Log API with Python.

Indelible apikey Please sign up for the Developer Preview
Python Tested with 2.7 and 3.6

Getting started
Install the package:
pip install indelible_log

Create testprofile.json for configuration:
"endpoint_url": "",
"customer_id": "customer-id",
"apikey": "api-key",
"master_key_base64": "v7RBLmFz5oB+IWOtGBEyfgejHvyYZwMTu+x0bbzZ+/4="

Start Python:

Python 3.6.9 (default, Jul 25 2019, 01:16:08)
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible FreeBSD Clang 6.0.0 (tags/RELEASE_600/final 326565)] on freebsd11
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

>>> from indelible_log import Cmd, Log
>>> import json
>>> profile = json.loads(open("testprofile.js", "r").read())
>>> log_name = json.dumps(["walkthrough", "Hello, world!", "v1"])

Creating a log {#create}
Let's create a new log with the defaults.
>>> log = Log(log_name, profile, encrypt=True, key_mode="string", value_mode="json")
>>> log.create(log_group="mykey")

Appending to a log {#upsert}
>>> log.update(update_source="python", commands=[
... indelible_log.Cmd.Upsert("foo", [1, 2, 3])
... ])

Showing the contents of a log {#diff}
Iterate over the log's current entries:
>>> for entry in log:
... print(entry)
{'change': 'Add', 'entry': {'key': 'foo', 'value': [1, 2, 3]}, 'version': 1}

A previous version:
>>> diff = log.version_diff(from_version=1)
>>> for change in diff.changes():
... print(change)

Reactive Logs --- Getting notified about new versions {#longpoll}
In another window, get this update ready:
>>> log.update(update_source="python", commands=[
... Cmd.ExpectVersion(1),
... Cmd.Remove("foo", [1, 2, 3]),
... Cmd.Insert("bar", [4, 5, 6])
... ])

Back in your original window, start monitoring, then finish that
>>> diff = log.version_diff(from_version=1, wait_seconds=60)
>>> diff.to_version
>>> for change in diff.changes():
... print(change)
{'change': 'Remove', 'entry': {'key': 'foo', 'value': [1, 2, 3]}, 'version': 1}
{'change': 'Add', 'entry': {'key': 'bar', 'value': [4, 5, 6]}, 'version': 2}


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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