indianfinance 0.0.2

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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indianfinance 0.0.2

Get real-time information about companies listed in indian stock market.
Table of Contents

Basic Examples

pip install indianfinance
To start getting data from companies, call company(x) where x can be

A company symbol like INFY (for Infosys Limited)
A list of company symbols separated by space like INFY WIPRO TECHM (For Infosys Limited, Wipro and Tech Mahindra)

company is the class and there are currenty three methods attached with it:

market_info() - gives general information about the company and data is presented in the foem of json with the following fields :

FullName: Full Name of the company incorporated in the stock market
Industry - industry it belongs to
ISIN - mentions the International Securities Identification Number
LastPrice - the last pice the company share was traded at in indian rupees
MCap - the total free float market capitalization of the company (in lakh crores)

historical_data(fromDate, toDate): presents the historical data of share market from fromDate to toDate. The date format for the input are DDMMYYYY.
The json data returned contained following fields:

Open - opening price
Close - closing price
High - intraday highest price
Low - intraday lowest price

annual_report(years): this method downloads the annual report for the companies for the years mentioned. the years must be separated with space (ex: 2021 2020). This method creates a directory AnnualReport in the current directory. Following is the tree structure.

|--- PDFFiles
| |
| |--Company1
| | |
| | |-year1.pdf
| | |-year2.pdf
| | -------
| |--Company2
| |
| |-year1.pdf
| |-year2.pdf
| -------
|--- ZipFiles (----> annual reports are in
| | zipfiles and extracted to
| | PDF folder)
| |
| |--Company1
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | -------
| |--Company2
| |
| |
| |
| -------

Basic Examples
import indianfinance

>>> c ="WIPRO")

>>>> print(c.market_info())

{"WIPRO": {"FullName": "Wipro Limited", "Industry": "COMPUTERS - SOFTWARE", "ISIN": "INE075A01022", "LastPrice": 599.55, "MCap": 3.285}

>>> print(c.historical_data("04082021", "06082021"))

{"WIPRO": {"Date": ["2021-08-06", "2021-08-05", "2021-08-04"], "Open": [603.75, 597.5, 603.5], "Close": [598, 600.9, 596.8], "High": [606.4, 614.5, 604], "Low": [596.3, 597.5, 594.3]}}

Wrong company symbol will give error but at the same time give closest symbols also
>>> import indianfinance
>>> c ="AIRTEL")

Couldn't find the symbol: AIRTEL
============ Did you mean these ==============
Symbol: BHARTIARTL, Company name: Bharti Airtel Limited (----> gives the most relevant company symbol)
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 10, in <module>
c ="AIRTEL")
File "\indianfinance\indianfinance\", line 36, in __init__
raise ValueError

The following package has been only possible due to the APIs of NSE


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