influxio 0.5.0

Creator: bradpython12

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influxio 0.5.0

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You can use influxio to import and export data into/from InfluxDB.
It can be used both as a standalone program, and as a library.
influxio is, amongst others, based on the excellent dask, fsspec,
influxdb-client, influx-line, line-protocol-parser, pandas,
and SQLAlchemy packages.
Please note that influxio is alpha-quality software, and a work in progress.
Contributions of all kinds are very welcome, in order to make it more solid.
Breaking changes should be expected until a 1.0 release, so version pinning
is recommended, especially when you use it as a library.

# Export from API to database.
influxio copy \
"http://example:token@localhost:8086/testdrive/demo" \

# Export from data directory to line protocol format.
influxio copy \
"file:///path/to/influxdb/engine?bucket-id=372d1908eab801a6&measurement=demo" \

If you are in a hurry, and want to run influxio without any installation,
just use the OCI image on Podman or Docker.
docker run --rm --network=host \
influxio copy \
"http://example:token@localhost:8086/testdrive/demo" \

Install influxio from PyPI.
pip install influxio

This section outlines some example invocations of influxio, both on the
command line, and per library use. Other than the resources available from
the web, testing data can be acquired from the repository’s testdata folder.

For properly running some of the example invocations outlined below, you will
need an InfluxDB and a CrateDB server. The easiest way to spin up those
instances is to use Podman or Docker.
Please visit the docs/development.rst documentation to learn about how to
spin up corresponding sandbox instances on your workstation.

Command line use

influxio --help
influxio info
influxio copy --help

Import data from different sources into InfluxDB Server.
# From test data to API.
# Choose one of dummy, mixed, dateindex, wide.
influxio copy \
"testdata://dateindex/" \

# With selected amount of rows.
influxio copy \
"testdata://dateindex/?rows=42" \

# With selected amount of rows and columns (only supported by certain test data sources).
influxio copy \
"testdata://wide/?rows=42&columns=42" \

# From line protocol file to InfluxDB API.
influxio copy \
"file://tests/testdata/basic.lp" \

# From line protocol file to InfluxDB API.
influxio copy \
"" \

Export from API
Export data from InfluxDB Server into different sinks.
# From API to database file.
influxio copy \
"http://example:token@localhost:8086/testdrive/demo" \

# From API to database server.
influxio copy \
"http://example:token@localhost:8086/testdrive/demo" \

# From API to line protocol file.
influxio copy \
"http://example:token@localhost:8086/testdrive/demo" \

# From API to line protocol on stdout.
influxio copy \
"http://example:token@localhost:8086/testdrive/demo" \

Load from File
Load data from InfluxDB files into any SQL database supported by SQLAlchemy.
# From local line protocol file to SQLite.
influxio copy \
"file://export.lp" \

# From local line protocol file to CrateDB.
influxio copy \
"file://export.lp" \

# From remote line protocol file to SQLite.
influxio copy \
"" \

# From remote line protocol file to CrateDB.
influxio copy \
"" \

Export from Cloud to Cloud
# From InfluxDB Cloud to CrateDB Cloud.
influxio copy \
"" \

crash \
--hosts 'https://admin:dZ,Y18*Z...7)' \
--command 'SELECT * FROM testdrive.demo;'

Export from data directory
# From InfluxDB data directory to line protocol file.
influxio copy \
"file:///path/to/influxdb/engine?bucket-id=372d1908eab801a6&measurement=demo" \

# From InfluxDB data directory to line protocol file, compressed with gzip.
influxio copy \
"file:///path/to/influxdb/engine?bucket-id=372d1908eab801a6&measurement=demo" \

# From InfluxDB data directory to line protocol on stdout.
influxio copy \
"file:///path/to/influxdb/engine?bucket-id=372d1908eab801a6&measurement=demo" \

OCI images are available on the GitHub Container Registry (GHCR). In order to
run them on Podman or Docker, invoke:
docker run --rm --network=host \
influxio copy \
"http://example:token@localhost:8086/testdrive/demo" \
If you want to work with files on your filesystem, you will need to either
mount the working directory into the container using the --volume option,
or use the --interactive option to consume STDIN, like:
docker run --rm --volume=$(pwd):/data \
influxio copy "file:///data/export.lp" "sqlite:///data/export.sqlite?table=export"

cat export.lp | \
docker run --rm --interactive --network=host \
influxio copy "stdin://?format=lp" "crate://crate@localhost:4200/testdrive/export"
In order to always run the latest nightly development version, and to use a
shortcut for that, this section outlines how to use an alias for influxio,
and a variable for storing the input URL. It may be useful to save a few
keystrokes on subsequent invocations.
docker pull
alias influxio="docker run --rm --interactive influxio"

influxio copy "${SOURCE}" "${TARGET}"

When targeting the SQLAlchemy database interface, the target table will be
created automatically, if it does not exist. The if-exists URL query
parameter can be used to configure this behavior. The default value is

fail: Raise a ValueError.
replace: Drop the table before inserting new values.
append: Insert new values to the existing table.

Example usage:
influxio copy \
"http://example:token@localhost:8086/testdrive/demo" \

Project information

For installing the project from source, please follow the development

Prior art
There are a few other projects which are aiming at similar goals.

InfluxDB Fetcher
influxdb-write-to-postgresql (IW2PG)


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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