ingit 0.4.15

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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ingit 0.4.15

Tool for managing a large collection of repositories in git.

If you have 100 git-versioned projects, keeping tabs on everything can be quite troublesome.
That’s where ingit comes in. It mimics selected git commands, however you can perform the same
action on a group of repositories instead of just one.
Additionally, it has an interactive mode in which you can go over your repositories and quickly
perform typical suggested actions in each individual repository based on its current status.



Basic usage
Filtering the repositories

Filtering repositories by regular expression
Filtering repositories by predicate


Runtime configuration
Repositories configuration

Command details

ingit summary
ingit register
ingit foreach
ingit clone
ingit init
ingit fetch
ingit checkout
ingit merge
ingit push
ingit gc
ingit status



Basic usage
For general help, see:
ingit -h
For command-specific help, see:
ingit command -h
Commands are of two kinds in general:

git-like commands, which work similar to their git versions;
ingit-only commands, which you won’t find in git.

Currently available ingit-only commands are:

ingit summary will show summary of repositories registered in ingit;
ingit register will add an existing git repository to ingit configuration;
ingit foreach will execute a custom command for each repository.

Currently available git-like commands are:

ingit clone will mass-clone registered repositories;
ingit init will mass-init registered repositories;
ingit fetch will mass-fetch existing registered repositories;
ingit checkout will interactively checkout branches;
ingit merge will interactively merge branches;
ingit push will mass-push existing registered repositories;
ingit gc will do mass garbage collection of existing registered repositories;
ingit status will give comprehensive status report for every existing registered repository.

Filtering the repositories
Git-like commands of ingit
(namely: ingit clone, ingit init, ingit fetch, ingit checkout,
ingit merge, ingit push, ingit gc and ingit status),
as well as ingit summary and ingit foreach,
by default operate on all registered repositories.
However, they all can take the options --regex/-r and --predicate/-p
that filter out the repositories using repository metadata (i.e. name, tags, path and remotes)
which is stored in the repositories configuration.
If both --regex/-r and --predicate/-p are provided,
predicate is applied first.

Filtering repositories by regular expression
The --regex/-r option accepts any regular expression (also a simple string)
and filters the repos by trying to simply find a match in any of the metadata.
Specifically, ingit will forward your input regular expression into this function:
def regex_predicate(regex, name, tags, path, remotes):
return (, name) is not None
or any(, tag) is not None for tag in tags)
or, str(path)) is not None
or any(, name) for name, url in remotes.items()))
The actual implementation is here: ingit/

Filtering repositories by predicate
The --predicate/-p option accepts a python boolean expression which will be inserted
into a predicate function template, as below:
lambda name, tags, path, remotes: (predicate)
The actual implementation is here: ingit/
Therefore, executing ingit --predicate "'python' in tags" fetch results
in the following predicate being applied:
lambda name, tags, path, remotes: ('python' in tags)
And thus only repositories that have 'python' in their tags are fetched.

Ingit works based on configuration in 2 JSON files:

runtime configuration
repositories configuration

If either of the files doesn’t exist, defaults will be generated.
The default paths to the files can be overridden via --config and --repos
command-line options.

Runtime configuration
Most importantly, stores repositories root directory – it’s a directory which ingit assumes
to contain git-versioned projects.
"description": "ingit runtime configuration file",
"ingit-version": "0.4.0",
"machines": [
"name": "desktop",
"repos_path": "~/Projects"
"interactive": false,
"names": ["server", ""],
"repos_path": "$HOME/Projects"

Repositories configuration
It’s a file that lists all registered projects and keeps their metadata.
It is automatically updated when ingit register is used.
"description": "ingit repositories configuration file",
"ingit-version": "0.4.0",
"repos": [
"name": "ingit",
"remotes": {
"github": ""
"tags": [
"name": "pylint",
"remotes": {
"github": "",
"source": ""
"tags": [
Entry of each repository is a JSON object that can have the following fields:
"name": "name of the project",
"path": "path doesn't have to be specified, by default it will be 'repos_path/name'",
"paths": {
"machine name 1": "path used only on machine 1",
"machine name 2": "path used only on machine 2",
"": "if no machine name is given, the path is used in all other cases"
"remotes": {
"remote name 1": "url 1",
"remote name 2": "url 2"
"tags": [
"tags are completely optional",
"but repositories are much easier to manage if they are consistently tagged"
The repos_path mentioned above is taken from the runtime configuration of ingit.
At most one of path or paths is allowed for each repo.
The two path specifications below are equivalent:
"name": "name of the project",
"path": "some path"
"name": "name of the project",
"paths": {
"": "some path"

Command details
Below, details of each command are described.

ingit summary
Show summary of registered repositories and status of configured repository root.
First of all, print a list of registered repositories. By default, all
registered repositories are listed, but, as in case of most commands, the
results can be filtered via a predicate or regex.
Independently, print a list of all unregistered repositories and all not
versioned paths present in the configured repositories root.

ingit register
Start tracking a repository in ingit.
ingit register [PATH] [--tags TAG ...]
The initial configuration is set according to basic repository information:
its root directory name becomes “name” and its currently configured remotes
become “remotes”. You can edit the configuration manually afterwards.
The final “path” to the repository stored in the configuration depends on the
repos_path in runtime configuration. The configured “path” will be:

resolved absolute path if there is no repos_path configured or
repository path is outside of the repos_path;
resolved relative path to the repos_path, if the repository path is
within it;
nothing (i.e. not stored) if the if the repository is stored directly in
repos_path (i.e. there are no intermediate directories).

Behaviour of storing relative/no paths in some cases is implemented to make
configuration file much less verbose in typical usage scenarios. To prevent
this behaviour, and force all repository paths to be absolute, simply set the
repos_path in your runtime configuration to JSON null.
Use PATH to provide the path to root directory of repository.
If not provided, current working directory is used.
Use --tags to provide tags for this repository, they will be added to the
initial configuration. Tags have no other effect than making repository
filtering easier.

ingit foreach
The given command is executed in a shell in working directory of each
Use --timeout to set timeout of the command (in seconds).

ingit clone
Execute git clone <remote-url> --recursive --origin <remote-name> <path>,
where values of <path> and <remote-...> are taken from default remote
configuration of the repository.
After cloning, add all remaining configured remotes to the repository and
fetch them.
For example, if repository configuration is as follows:
"name": "Spack",
"path": "~/Software/Spack",
"remotes": {
"source": "",
"github": ""
"tags": []
The clone command will be:
git clone --recursive --origin source ~/Software/Spack
because source is the first configured remote.
The subsequent commands will be git remote add github
and git fetch github.

ingit init
Execute git init followed by git remote add for each configured

ingit fetch
Execute git fetch <remote-name>, where the remote name is the remote of
the current tracking branch, or all remotes of the repository if there’s no
tracking branch, or repository is in detached head state.
Use --all to fetch all remotes in all cases.

ingit checkout
Interactively select revision to checkout from list of local branches, remote
non-tracking branches and local tags.
The list of branches to select from is composed by combining:

local branches
non-tracking branches on all remotes
local tags

Checking out a remote branch will create a local branch with the same unless
it already exists. If it already exists, repository will end up in detached
head state.
Also, checking out any tag will put repository in a detached head state.

ingit merge
Not yet implemented! The following functionality is intended.
Interactively merge all branches to their tracking branches. For each not
merged <branch>-<tracking-branch> pair, execute
git checkout <branch> and then if the merge is fast-forward,
automatically execute git merge <tracking-branch> --ff-only. If not, then
show more information about the situation of the repository, and propose:

git merge --log <tracking-branch>,
git rebase -i <tracking-branch> and
git reset --hard <tracking-branch>.

If repository is dirty when this command is executed, do nothing. After work
is done, return to the originally checked-out branch.

ingit push
Execute git push <remote-name> <branch>:<tracking-branch-name> for the
active branch.
The above functionality works, but the following functionality is not yet implemented.
Use --all to execute the push for every branch that has a remote tracking

ingit gc
Execute git gc --aggressive --prune.

ingit status
Perform git status, as well as other diagnostic git commands.

git status --short --branch to inform about any uncommitted changes,
git log tracking_branch..branch to inform about commits that are not
yet pushed to the remote,
git log branch..tracking_branch to inform about commits that are not
yet merged from the remote.

Additionally, compare registered remotes with actual remotes to make sure
that ingit configuration is in sync with the repository metadata.
Use --ignored to include ignored files in the status report, just as with
git status.

Python version 3.8 or later.
Python libraries as specified in requirements.txt.
Building and running tests additionally requires packages listed in requirements_test.txt.
Tested on Linux, macOS and Windows.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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