intensional 0.222

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intensional 0.222

Intensional (rule-defined) sets for Python.

There are two ways of defining a set: intensional and extensional. Extensional
sets like set([1,3,5,'daisy']) enumerate every member of the set explicitly.
Intensional sets, in contrast, are defined by rules. For example “the set of all
prime numbers” or “every word beginning with 'a' and ending with 't'.
Intensional sets are often infinite. It may be possible to generate a list of
their members, but it’s not as simple as a “give me everything you’ve got!”
for loop.
Once you know what you’re looking for, intensional sets are everywhere.
Python doesn’t represent them directly, but regular expressions, many list
comprehensions, and all manner of testing and filtering operations are really
faces of the intensional set concept. Many functions test whether something
‘qualifies’. os.path.isdir(d) for example, tests whether d is in the set
of legitimate directories, and isinstance(s, str) tests whether s is a
member of the set of str objects. Even the core if conditional can be
construed as testing for membership in an intensional set–the set of all items
that pass the test.
Many such tests have a temporal aspect–they determine whether a value is a
member right now. The answer may change in the future, if
conditions change. Others tests are invariant over time. %%734 will never be a
valid Python identifier, no matter how many times it’s tested–unless the rules
of the overall Python universe change, that is.
Intensional sets are part and parcel of all programming, even if they’re not
explicitly represented or called by that name.``intensional`` helps Python
programs represent intensional sets directly.

intensional defines several set IntensionalSet subclasses
such as Any, Every, ButNot,
and EitherOr. These correspond roughly to set operations union, intersection,
difference, and symmetric difference (aka xor). Of these, Any is the most useful:
from intensional import *

name = 'Stephen'
if name in Any('Steve', 'Steven', 'Stephen'):
print 'Good name!'
So far, there’s nothing here you couldn’t do with standard Python set data types.
So let’s broaden out to more generic intensional sets:
if name in Test("x.startswith('S')"):
print "Your name starts with S!"
Test takes a lambda expression or string in its constructor. If it’s a string, Test assumes
the interesting variable name is x and compiles the string expression with an automatically provided
lambda x: prefix. This makes code a bit terser and cleaner. Now the sets start getting more
starts_with_S = Test("x.startswith('S')")
ends_with_n = Test("x.endswith('n')")

if name in Every(starts_with_S, ends_with_n):
... # Stephen and Steven pass, but Steve does not
Of course, this could also be rendered as:
if name in Test("x.startswith('S') and x.endswith('n')"):
... # Stephen and Steven pass, but Steve does not
Or even:
S_something_n = starts_with_S & ends_with_n
if name in S_something_n:

String Search
intensional defines sets for regular expression (Re) and glob (Glob) string matching.
For example:
name = 'Stephen'
if name in Re(r'\b(s\w*)\b', Re.I):
print 'Good name, {}'.format(Re._[1])
Note that this enables a form of (or alternative to) en passant assignment
that shortens regular expression conditionals by at least one line
compared to the standard re module. A spiffed-up version of the
re.MatchObject is available at Re._. This object can be
indexed to get regexp match groups. For named groups (e.g. (?P<firstname>\w+)),
the matched value can be retrieved by attribute: Re._.firstname. All of the
other re.MatchObject methods and properties can also be accessed this way,
such as Re._.start(1) and Re._.span(1).
For simple matching, the Glob class (which plays by the rules
of Unix glob expressions) may be simpler:

if name in Glob(‘S*’):

Type Membership
if x in Instances(int):
is identical to:
if isinstance(x, int):
An alias IsInstance exists for Instances for cases where the singular construction is more linguistically natural.
A second alias Type is also available.

Set Operations
intensional supports some, but not all, of Python’s classic set operations.
There are two primary rules:

IntensionalSet attempts to supports all of the collections.Set methods like
union() and intersection(). But IntensionalSet objects are immutable, so they do not support
self-mutating operations like add(), pop(), and |= defined by
Because they are defined by rules rather than explicit lists of members, it is
not (in general) possible to determine the cardinality (i.e. len()) of an IntensionalSet,
nor to iterate through all of its members, nor to test equality. IntensionalSet objects are
used primarily for determining membership.

Because of an implementation detail, IntensionalSet classes are parallel to,
but are not true subclasses of, collections.Set.

It’s easy to define new IntensionalSet subclasses that define other kinds
of logical tests in generalized, linguistically “clean” ways that make code
more readable. As an example, the Instances intensional set is defined like this:
class Instances(with_metaclass(MementoMetaclass, IntensionalSet)):
An object is in an IsInstance if it is an instance of the given types.
def __init__(self, *args):
self.types = tuple(args)

def __contains__(self, item):
return isinstance(item, self.types)
__init__() simply remembers what arguments the set is constructed with,
while __contains__() implements the test, answering: Does the given item belong in a set
constructed with these arguments?
The only complexity here is the with_metaclass(MementoMetaclass, IntensionalSet) phrase,
which is simply a compatibility mechanism to be able to define a class in either
Python 2 or Python 3 with a given metaclass.
MementoMetaclass is used so that
once constructed, a set object is fetched from cache rather than
redundantly reconstructed if any subsequent mentions are made. This is a useful performance
tweak. For regular expressions, for example, it allows the Re.__init__() set constructor
to compile the regular expression just once, even if a program contains many mentions of
Re(<some regular exprssion>). Even
higher-performance is to assign constructed sets to a name/variable and refer to them
via that name. This:
integers = Instances(int)

if x in integers:
requires less work than:
if x in Instances(int):
and is preferred if the test is to be executed frequently. But this pre-naming is just a tweak, and
not a requirement.


Commenced automated multi-version testing with
and tox.
successfully packaged for, and tested against, all late-model versions
of Python: 2.6, 2.7, 3.2, and 3.3
plus one (2.5) that isn’t so very recent,
and one (PyPy 1.9, based on Python 2.7.2) that is differently implemented.
intensional is just one facet of a larger project to rethink how items
are tested for membership and/or chosen from collections. Stay tuned!
The author, Jonathan Eunice or
@jeunice on Twitter
welcomes your comments and suggestions.

To install the latest version:
pip install -U intensional
To easy_install under a specific Python version (3.3 in this example):
python3.3 -m easy_install --upgrade intensional
(You may need to prefix these with “sudo “ to authorize installation. If they’re
already installed, the --upgrade flag will be helpful; add it right before the
package name.)


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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