interleave 0.2.1

Creator: bradpython12

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interleave 0.2.1

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The interleave package provides a function of the same name that takes a
number of iterators, runs them in separate threads, and yields the values
produced as soon as each one is available.

interleave requires Python 3.7 or higher. Just use pip for Python 3 (You have pip, right?) to install
interleave and its dependencies:
python3 -m pip install interleave

>>> from time import sleep, strftime
>>> from interleave import interleave
>>> def sleeper(idno, delays):
... for i, d in enumerate(delays):
... sleep(d)
... yield (idno, i)
>>> with interleave(
... [
... sleeper(0, [0, 1, 2]),
... sleeper(1, [2, 2, 2]),
... sleeper(2, [5, 2, 1]),
... ]
... ) as it:
... for x in it:
... print(strftime("%H:%M:%S"), x)
22:08:39 (0, 0)
22:08:40 (0, 1)
22:08:41 (1, 0)
22:08:42 (0, 2)
22:08:43 (1, 1)
22:08:44 (2, 0)
22:08:45 (1, 2)
22:08:46 (2, 1)
22:08:47 (2, 2)

iterators: Iterable[Iterator[T]],
max_workers: Optional[int] = None,
thread_name_prefix: str = "",
queue_size: Optional[int] = None,
onerror: interleave.OnError = interleave.STOP,
) -> interleave.Interleaver[T]
interleave() runs the given iterators in separate threads and returns an
iterator that yields the values yielded by them as they become available. (See
below for details on the Interleaver class.)
The max_workers and thread_name_prefix parameters are passed through to
the underlying concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor (q.v.). max_workers determines the
maximum number of iterators to run at one time.
The queue_size parameter sets the maximum size of the queue used internally
to pipe values yielded by the iterators; when the queue is full, any iterator
with a value to yield will block waiting for the next value to be dequeued by a
call to the interleaver’s __next__. When queue_size is None (the
default), interleave() uses a queue.SimpleQueue, which has no maximum
size. When queue_size is non-None (including zero, signifying no
maximum size), interleave() uses a queue.Queue, whose get() method
is uninterruptible (including by KeyboardInterrupt) on Windows.
The onerror parameter is an enum that determines how interleave()
should behave if one of the iterators raises an exception. The possible values

(default) Stop iterating over all iterators, cancel any outstanding
iterators that haven’t been started yet, wait for all running threads to
finish, and reraise the exception. Note that, due to the inability to stop
an iterator between yields, the “waiting” step involves waiting for each
currently-running iterator to yield its next value before stopping. This
can deadlock if the queue fills up in the interim.

Like STOP, but any remaining values yielded by the iterators before
they finish are yielded by the interleaver before raising the exception

Continue running as normal and reraise the exception once all iterators
have finished

Like FINISH_ALL, except that only currently-running iterators are run
to completion; any iterators whose threads haven’t yet been started when
the exception is raised will have their jobs cancelled

Regardless of the value of onerror, any later exceptions raised by
iterators after the initial exception are discarded.
class Interleaver(Generic[T]):
def __init__(
max_workers: Optional[int] = None,
thread_name_prefix: str = "",
queue_size: Optional[int] = None,
onerror: OnError = STOP,
An iterator and context manager. As an iterator, it yields the values
generated by the iterators passed to the corresponding interleave() call as
they become available. As a context manager, it returns itself on entry and,
on exit, cleans up any unfinished threads by calling the
shutdown(wait=True) method (see below).
An Interleaver can be instantiated either by calling interleave() or by
calling the constructor directly. The constructor takes the same arguments as
interleave(), minus iterators, and produces a new Interleaver that
is not yet running any iterators. Iterators are submitted to a new
Interleaver via the submit() method; once all desired iterators have
been submitted, the finalize() method must be called so that the
Interleaver can tell when everything’s finished.
An Interleaver will shut down its ThreadPoolExecutor and wait for the
threads to finish after yielding its final value (specifically, when a call is
made to __next__/get() that would result in StopIteration or
another exception being raised). In the event that an Interleaver is
abandoned before iteration completes, the associated resources may not be
properly cleaned up, and threads may continue running indefinitely. For this
reason, it is strongly recommended that you wrap any iteration over an
Interleaver in the context manager in order to handle a premature end to
iteration (including from a KeyboardInterrupt).
Besides the iterator and context manager APIs, an Interleaver has the
following public methods:
Interleaver.submit(it: Iterator[T]) -> None
New in version 0.2.0
Add an iterator to the Interleaver.
If the Interleaver was returned from interleave() or has already had
finalize() called on it, calling submit() will result in a
Interleave.finalize() -> None
New in version 0.2.0
Notify the Interleaver that all iterators have been registered. This
method must be called in order for the Interleaver to detect the end of
iteration; if this method has not been called and all submitted iterators have
finished & had their values retrieved, then a subsequent call to next(it)
will end up hanging indefinitely.
Interleaver.get(block: bool = True, timeout: Optional[float] = None) -> T
New in version 0.2.0
Fetch the next value generated by the iterators. If all iterators have
finished and all values have been retrieved, raises
interleaver.EndOfInputError. If block is False and no values are
immediately available, raises queue.Empty. If block is True, waits
up to timeout seconds (or indefinitely, if timeout is None) for the
next value to become available or for all iterators to end; if nothing happens
before the timeout expires, raises queue.Empty.
it.get(block=True, timeout=None) is equivalent to next(it), except that
the latter converts an EndOfInputError to StopIteration.
Note: When onerror=STOP and a timeout is set, if an iterator raises an
exception, the timeout may be exceeded as the Interleaver waits for all
remaining threads to shut down.
Interleaver.shutdown(wait: bool = True) -> None
Call finalize() if it hasn’t been called yet, tell all running iterators to
stop iterating, cancel any outstanding iterators that haven’t been started yet,
and shut down the ThreadPoolExecutor. The wait parameter is passed
through to the call to ThreadPoolExecutor.shutdown().
The Interleaver can continue to be iterated over after calling
shutdown() and will yield any remaining values produced by the iterators
before they stopped completely.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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