ioiopype 0.0.9

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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ioiopype 0.0.9

IOIOpype is general purpose signal processing framework for realtime applications written in python. Data is proagated between Nodes that can be connected via Streams. Nodes can be input nodes 'INode', output nodes 'ONode' or input and output nodes 'IONode'. Algorithms and signal processing pipelines can be prototyped easily by combining multiple nodes.
General Purpose

ConsoleLog - Writes received data to the console
ToWorkspace - Propagates data to the main thread via event
FramePlot - Plots a data frame
SamplePlot - Plots time series data
SpectrumPlot - Plots pwelch spectrum
CSV Logger - Logs data to csv files
UDP Receiver - Receives data via UDP

General Purpose

Buffer - Buffers data with a defined window size and overlap
PWelch - Calculates a Pwelch spectrum from a frame
Downsample - Samples a data frame down by a given factor
OffsetCorrection - Removes the offset from a data frame
ButterworthFilter - Applies a butterworth filter to a sample based signal
ButterworthFiltFilt - Applies a butterworth filter to a frame as filtfilt
ToSample - Slices and forwards a data frame into samples
Log - Applies a logarithm to the input signal (ln, log10, 10*log10)
Square - Squares the input signal
Sqrt - Calculates the square root of the input signal
Mux - Concatenates multiple signals into one
Operation - Adds, Subtracts, Multiplies, Divides or applies a matrix multiplication
Serialize - Serialized data into json or xml strings
Deserialize - Deserializes XML or JSON serialized data


MovementDetector - Uses Accelerometer and Gyroscope inputs to detect movement
ComplementaryFilter - Applies a complementary filter to estimate orientation of a IMU sensor (not finished yet)

General Purpose

Constant - forwards constant data with a defined sampling rate
NoiseGenerator - Generates gaussian noise as a timeseries signal.
SignalGenerator - Generates sample based timeseries signals. Sine, Square, Sawtooth and Triangle signals can be generated
Frame - Allows to send a data frame to INodes
UDPSender - Sends data via UDP

Pulse Sensor

BLEHeartRate - Pulse Sensor supporting default Bluetooth LE Heart Rate Service
BLEHeartRateSimulator - Simulates a 'BLEHeartRate' device

Supported platforms


Install ioiopype from PyPi
pip install ioiopype
Acquisition and data visualization example
import sys
import os

dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

from PySide6.QtWidgets import QApplication
import ioiopype as ioio

app = QApplication(sys.argv)

samplingRate = 500
channelCount = 2
sig1 = ioio.SignalGenerator(samplingRate, channelCount, ioio.SignalGenerator.SignalMode.Sine, 0.5, 2, 0)
sig2 = ioio.SignalGenerator(samplingRate, channelCount, ioio.SignalGenerator.SignalMode.Triangle, 0.5, 2, 0)
sig3 = ioio.SignalGenerator(samplingRate, channelCount, ioio.SignalGenerator.SignalMode.Sawtooth, 0.5, 2, 0)
mux = ioio.Mux(3)

#initialize processing nodes
numberOfChannels = len(mux.InputStreams) * channelCount
sp2 = ioio.SamplePlot(numberOfChannels, samplingRate, 5.2, 1.5, displayMode=ioio.SamplePlot.DisplayMode.Continous)

#build ioiopype
sig1.connect(0, mux.InputStreams[0])
sig2.connect(0, mux.InputStreams[1])
sig3.connect(0, mux.InputStreams[2])
mux.connect(0, sp2.InputStreams[0])




#disconnect ioiopype
sig1.disconnect(0, mux.InputStreams[0])
sig2.disconnect(0, mux.InputStreams[1])
sig3.disconnect(0, mux.InputStreams[2])
mux.disconnect(0, sp2.InputStreams[0])

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Contact: mwalchsoferyt at gmail dot com


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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