ioppytest-utils 1.2.14

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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ioppytestutils 1.2.14

Federico Sismondi
Contact address: federicosismondi(AT)gmail(DOT)com
This repo provides some libs and snippets in the form of python modules
used by several ioppytest components and F-Interop components.
Installing CLI, lib and other components
pip install ioppytest-utils
Package event_bus_utils

(coming soon)
Package messages

This packages provides to your code a new abstraction level on
how to interact with the messages in the bus.
Essentially it allows you to:
1. manipulate data using the python syntax
>>> from messages import *
>>> m = MsgTestCaseSkip(testcase_id = 'some_testcase_id')
>>> m
MsgTestCaseSkip(_api_version = 1.2.14, description = Skip testcase, node = someNode, testcase_id = some_testcase_id, )
>>> m.routing_key
>>> m.message_id # doctest: +SKIP
>>> m.testcase_id

# also we can modify some of the fields (rewrite the default ones)
>>> m = MsgTestCaseSkip(testcase_id = 'TD_COAP_CORE_03')
>>> m
MsgTestCaseSkip(_api_version = 1.2.14, description = Skip testcase, node = someNode, testcase_id = TD_COAP_CORE_03, )
>>> m.testcase_id

# and even export the message in json format (for example for sending the message though the amqp event bus)
>>> m.to_json()
'{"_api_version": "1.2.14", "description": "Skip testcase", "node": "someNode", "testcase_id": "TD_COAP_CORE_03"}'

# We can use the Message class to import json into Message objects:
>>> m=MsgTestSuiteStart()
>>> m.routing_key
>>> m.to_json()
'{"_api_version": "1.2.14", "description": "Test suite START command"}'
>>> json_message = m.to_json()
>>> obj=Message.load(json_message,'testsuite.start', None )
>>> obj
MsgTestSuiteStart(_api_version = 1.2.14, description = Test suite START command, )
>>> type(obj) # doctest: +SKIP
<class 'messages.MsgTestSuiteStart'>

# We can use the library for generating error responses:
# the request:
>>> m = MsgSniffingStart()

# the error reply (note that we pass the message of the request to build the reply):
>>> err = MsgErrorReply(m)
>>> err
MsgErrorReply(_api_version = 1.2.14, error_code = None, error_message = None, ok = False, )

# properties of the message are auto-generated:
>>> m.reply_to
>>> err.routing_key
>>> m.correlation_id # doctest: +SKIP
>>> err.correlation_id # doctest: +SKIP

# we can get all the AMQP properties also as a dict:
>>> err.get_properties() # doctest: +SKIP
'{'timestamp': 1515172549, 'correlation_id': '16257581-06be-4088-a1f6-5672cc73d8f2', 'message_id': '1ec12c2b-33c7-44ad-97b8-5099c4d52e81', 'content_type': 'application/json'}'

2. importing/exporting message events from/to json
# We can use the Message class to build Message objects from json + rkey:
>>> m=MsgSniffingGetCapture()
>>> m.routing_key
>>> m.to_json()
'{"_api_version": "1.2.14", "capture_id": "TD_COAP_CORE_01"}'
>>> json_message = m.to_json()
>>> json_message
'{"_api_version": "1.2.14", "capture_id": "TD_COAP_CORE_01"}'
>>> obj=Message.load(json_message,'testsuite.start', None )
>>> type(obj) # doctest
<class 'messages.MsgTestSuiteStart'>

3. importing messages from event bus using pika's API
Build a message from a pika's returned values on consume:
>>> m = Message.load_from_pika(method, props, body)
>>> m.routing_key
>>> m.to_json()
'{"_api_version": "1.2.14", "capture_id": "TD_COAP_CORE_01"}'

Package cli tool: ioppytest-cli

(used from terminal with entrypoint ioppytest-cli)
(my_venv) ➜ ioppytest-cli
Usage: ioppytest-cli [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

--help Show this message and exit.

action Execute interop test action
chat Send chat message, useful for user-to-user...
check_connection (REPL only) Check if AMQP connection is...
clear Clear screen
connect Connect to an AMQP session and start...
download_network_traces Downloads all networks traces generated...
enter_debug_context (REPL only) Provides user with some extra...
exit Exits REPL
get_session_parameters Print session state and parameters
get_session_status Retrieves status information from testing...
gui_display_message Sends message to GUI
gui_request_file_upload Request user to upload a file, saves it in...
ignore (REPL only) Do not notify any more on message...
repl Interactive shell, allows user to interact...

1. REPL mode: ioppytest-cli repl
this can be used for example for UI actions:
> action ts_start
[User input] ts_start
Do you want START test suite? [y/N]: y
Sending message..

[Event bus message] [<class 'messages.messages.MsgTestSuiteStart'>]

------------ ------------------------
_api_version 1.2.14
description Test suite START command
------------ ------------------------

but also for testing internal services provided by the tools
(> enter_debug_context needed):
> _send_MsgTestSuiteGetTestCases
[User input] trying to send message: MsgTestSuiteGetTestCases(_api_version = 1.2.14, )
Sending message..

[Event bus message] [<class 'messages.messages.MsgTestSuiteGetTestCases'>]
------------ -----
_api_version 1.2.14
------------ -----

[log][test_coordinator|amqp_connector] RECEIVED request: <class 'ioppytest.utils.messages.messages.MsgTestSuiteGetTestCases'>
[log][test_coordinator|amqp_connector] HANDLING request: <class 'ioppytest.utils.messages.messages.MsgTestSuiteGetTestCases'>
[log][test_coordinator|amqp_connector] PUBLISHING to routing_key: testsuite.testcases.list.reply, msg: MsgReply(_api_version = 1.2.14, ok = True, tc_list = [OrderedDict([('te

[Event bus message] [<class 'messages.messages.MsgTestSuiteGetTestCasesReply'>]

------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
_api_version 1.2.14
ok True
tc_list {'testcase_id': 'TD_COAP_CORE_01', 'testcase_ref': '', 'state': None}
{'testcase_id': 'TD_COAP_CORE_02', 'testcase_ref': '', 'state': None}
{'testcase_id': 'TD_COAP_CORE_03', 'testcase_ref': '', 'state': None}
{'testcase_id': 'TD_COAP_CORE_04', 'testcase_ref': '', 'state': None}
{'testcase_id': 'TD_COAP_CORE_05', 'testcase_ref': '', 'state': None}
{'testcase_id': 'TD_COAP_CORE_06', 'testcase_ref': '', 'state': None}
{'testcase_id': 'TD_COAP_CORE_07', 'testcase_ref': '', 'state': None}
{'testcase_id': 'TD_COAP_CORE_08', 'testcase_ref': '', 'state': None}
{'testcase_id': 'TD_COAP_CORE_09', 'testcase_ref': '', 'state': None}
{'testcase_id': 'TD_COAP_CORE_10', 'testcase_ref': '', 'state': None}
{'testcase_id': 'TD_COAP_CORE_11', 'testcase_ref': '', 'state': None}
{'testcase_id': 'TD_COAP_CORE_12', 'testcase_ref': '', 'state': None}
{'testcase_id': 'TD_COAP_CORE_13', 'testcase_ref': '', 'state': None}
{'testcase_id': 'TD_COAP_CORE_14', 'testcase_ref': '', 'state': None}
{'testcase_id': 'TD_COAP_CORE_15', 'testcase_ref': '', 'state': None}
{'testcase_id': 'TD_COAP_CORE_16', 'testcase_ref': '', 'state': None}
{'testcase_id': 'TD_COAP_CORE_17', 'testcase_ref': '', 'state': None}
{'testcase_id': 'TD_COAP_CORE_18', 'testcase_ref': '', 'state': None}
{'testcase_id': 'TD_COAP_CORE_19', 'testcase_ref': '', 'state': None}
{'testcase_id': 'TD_COAP_CORE_20', 'testcase_ref': '', 'state': None}
{'testcase_id': 'TD_COAP_CORE_21', 'testcase_ref': '', 'state': None}
{'testcase_id': 'TD_COAP_CORE_22', 'testcase_ref': '', 'state': None}
{'testcase_id': 'TD_COAP_CORE_23', 'testcase_ref': '', 'state': None}
{'testcase_id': 'TD_COAP_CORE_31', 'testcase_ref': '', 'state': None}
------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[log][test_coordinator|amqp_connector] Finished with REQUEST: <class 'ioppytest.utils.messages.messages.MsgTestSuiteGetTestCases'>

other example:
> _send_MsgAgentTunStart
[User input] trying to send message: MsgAgentTunStart(_api_version = 1.2.14, ipv4_host = None, ipv4_netmask = None, ipv4_network = None, ipv6_host = :3, ipv6_no_forwarding = False, ipv6_prefix = bbbb, name = agent_TT, re_route_packets_host = None, re_route_packets_if = None, re_route_packets_prefix = None, )
Sending message..

[Event bus message] [<class 'messages.messages.MsgAgentTunStart'>]

----------------------- --------
_api_version 1.2.14
ipv6_host :3
ipv6_no_forwarding False
ipv6_prefix bbbb
name agent_TT
----------------------- --------

press TAB for more info:
_configure_6lowpan_tt Send example configuration message for...
_configure_coap_tt Send example configuration message for CoAP...
_configure_comi_tt Send example configuration message for CoMI...
_configure_perf_tt Send example configuration message for perf...
_execute_stimuli_step Stimuli to be executed by IUT1, targeting...
_execute_verify_step Request IUT to verify a step, normally they...
_get_session_configuration_from_ui Get session config from UI
_send_MsgAgentSerialStart Send dummy MsgAgentSerialStart message to bus.
_send_MsgAgentSerialStarted Send dummy MsgAgentSerialStarted message to bus.
_send_MsgAgentTunStart Send dummy MsgAgentTunStart message to bus.
_send_MsgAgentTunStarted Send dummy MsgAgentTunStarted message to bus.
_send_MsgConfigurationExecute Send dummy MsgConfigurationExecute message to bus.
_send_MsgConfigurationExecuted Send dummy MsgConfigurationExecuted message to bus.
_send_MsgDeleteResultReply Send dummy MsgDeleteResultReply message to bus.
_send_MsgDeleteResultRequest Send dummy MsgDeleteResultRequest message to bus.
_send_MsgDissectionAutoDissect Send dummy MsgDissectionAutoDissect message to bus.

sniffing the event bus with: ioppytest-cli connect
connects to event bus (amqp vhost), subscribes and consumes any type of
message in the bus, this component tries to import the json messages
and the message properties into Message python objects
(using messages package)
(my_venv) ➜ ioppytest-cli connect
[Test Assistant] Connecting to amqp://

[Event bus message] [<class 'messages.messages.MsgTestingToolComponentReady'>]

------------ -------------------------------
_api_version 1.2.14
component amqp_listener_b49d7db4
description amqp_listener_b49d7db4 is READY
------------ -------------------------------

sniffing w/ lazy listener: ioppytest-cli connect --ll
The same as ioppytest-cli connect but no import into messages
objects. It just echos back the json and some amqp properties like
routing key, message id, correlation id, content type, etc..
No conversion from json to python objects, no data validation
(my_venv) ➜ ioppytest_cli connect -ll

[Test Assistant] Connecting to amqp://

routing_key : testsuite.testcases.list.request
"_api_version": "1.2.14",
"content_type": "application/json",
"correlation_id": "00393e9e-d255-4309-8a9b-18ec608602f3",
"message_id": "00393e9e-d255-4309-8a9b-18ec608602f3",
"reply_to": "testsuite.testcases.list.reply",
"timestamp": 1527671157
routing_key :|amqp_connector
"_api_version": "1.0.8",
"component": "test_coordinator|amqp_connector",
"content_type": "application/json",
"message": "RECEIVED request: <class 'ioppytest.utils.messages.messages.MsgTestSuiteGetTestCases'>"
routing_key :|amqp_connector
"_api_version": "1.0.8",
"component": "test_coordinator|amqp_connector",
"content_type": "application/json",
"message": "HANDLING request: <class 'ioppytest.utils.messages.messages.MsgTestSuiteGetTestCases'>"
routing_key :|amqp_connector
"_api_version": "1.0.8",
"component": "test_coordinator|amqp_connector",
"content_type": "application/json",
"message": "PUBLISHING to routing_key: testsuite.testcases.list.reply, msg: MsgReply(_api_version = 1.2.14, ok = True, tc_list = [OrderedDict([('te"
routing_key : testsuite.testcases.list.reply
"_api_version": "1.2.14",
"content_type": "application/json",
"correlation_id": "00393e9e-d255-4309-8a9b-18ec608602f3",
"message_id": "619283ab-c6a1-4b91-8a65-8697b665e3a1",
"ok": true,
"tc_list": [
"state": null,
"testcase_id": "TD_COAP_CORE_01",
"testcase_ref": ""
"state": null,
"testcase_id": "TD_COAP_CORE_02",
"testcase_ref": ""
"state": null,
"testcase_id": "TD_COAP_CORE_03",
"testcase_ref": ""
"state": null,
"testcase_id": "TD_COAP_CORE_04",
"testcase_ref": ""
"state": null,
"testcase_id": "TD_COAP_CORE_05",
"testcase_ref": ""
"state": null,
"testcase_id": "TD_COAP_CORE_06",
"testcase_ref": ""
"state": null,
"testcase_id": "TD_COAP_CORE_07",
"testcase_ref": ""
"state": null,
"testcase_id": "TD_COAP_CORE_08",
"testcase_ref": ""
"state": null,
"testcase_id": "TD_COAP_CORE_09",
"testcase_ref": ""
"state": null,
"testcase_id": "TD_COAP_CORE_10",
"testcase_ref": ""
"state": null,
"testcase_id": "TD_COAP_CORE_11",
"testcase_ref": ""
"state": null,
"testcase_id": "TD_COAP_CORE_12",
"testcase_ref": ""
"state": null,
"testcase_id": "TD_COAP_CORE_13",
"testcase_ref": ""
"state": null,
"testcase_id": "TD_COAP_CORE_14",
"testcase_ref": ""
"state": null,
"testcase_id": "TD_COAP_CORE_15",
"testcase_ref": ""
"state": null,
"testcase_id": "TD_COAP_CORE_16",
"testcase_ref": ""
"state": null,
"testcase_id": "TD_COAP_CORE_17",
"testcase_ref": ""
"state": null,
"testcase_id": "TD_COAP_CORE_18",
"testcase_ref": ""
"state": null,
"testcase_id": "TD_COAP_CORE_19",
"testcase_ref": ""
"state": null,
"testcase_id": "TD_COAP_CORE_20",
"testcase_ref": ""
"state": null,
"testcase_id": "TD_COAP_CORE_21",
"testcase_ref": ""
"state": null,
"testcase_id": "TD_COAP_CORE_22",
"testcase_ref": ""
"state": null,
"testcase_id": "TD_COAP_CORE_23",
"testcase_ref": ""
"state": null,
"testcase_id": "TD_COAP_CORE_31",
"testcase_ref": ""
"timestamp": 1527671158
routing_key :|amqp_connector
"_api_version": "1.0.8",
"component": "test_coordinator|amqp_connector",
"content_type": "application/json",
"message": "Finished with REQUEST: <class 'ioppytest.utils.messages.messages.MsgTestSuiteGetTestCases'>"

For contributing or directly using the source code:
Libraries in this repo are all self contained what makes it easy to
There are several approaches for doing so:

Simply copy & paste the code into your python modules.
Any modification on the libraries must be done into
utils repo
Please increase the VERSION number when doing so.

Submodule it:
From the top dir of your git repo run:

git submodule add <someSubDir>/utils

commit & push
git commit -m 'added f-interop's utils git repo as submodule'

remember when cloning a project with submodules to use --recursive flag
git clone --recursive ...

or else, right after cloning you can:
git submodule update --init --recursive

whenever you find that your utils libraries are not the latests versions
you can 'bring' those last changes from the main utils repo to your project
git submodule update --remote --merge

after bringing the last changes you can update your project with the last changes by doing:
git add <someSubDir>/utils
git commit -m 'updated submodule reference to last commit'
git push

using ioppytest console file:
python3 -i


Document use of ioppytest_cli interactively with python terminal:

>>> ioppytest_cli.session_profile.update({'amqp_url': AMQP_URL}))
File "<stdin>", line 1
ioppytest_cli.session_profile.update({'amqp_url': AMQP_URL}))
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
>>> ioppytest_cli.session_profile.update({'amqp_url': AMQP_URL})
>>> ioppytest_cli.session_profile.update({'amqp_url': AMQP_URL})
>>> ioppytest_cli.session_profile
OrderedDict([('user_name', 'Walter White'), ('protocol', 'coap'), ('node', 'both'), ('amqp_url', 'amqp://'), ('amqp_exchange', 'amq.topic')])
>>> a=ioppytest_cli._set_up_connection()
[Test Assistant] Connecting to amqp://

[Event bus message] [<class 'messages.MsgTestingToolComponentReady'>]

>>> ------------ -------------------------------
_api_version 1.2.14
component amqp_listener_47607736
description amqp_listener_47607736 is READY
------------ -------------------------------

>>> ioppytest_cli.download_network_traces()

[Event bus message] [<class 'messages.MsgTestSuiteGetTestCases'>]

------------ -----
_api_version 1.2.14
------------ -----
[Error] Is testing tool up?
[Error] Response timeout! rkey: testsuite.testcases.list.request , request type: <class 'messages.MsgTestSuiteGetTestCases'>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/click/", line 722, in __call__
return self.main(*args, **kwargs)
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/click/", line 697, in main
rv = self.invoke(ctx)
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/click/", line 895, in invoke
return ctx.invoke(self.callback, **ctx.params)
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/click/", line 535, in invoke
return callback(*args, **kwargs)
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ioppytest_cli/", line 164, in download_network_traces
ls = state['tc_list'].copy()
KeyError: 'tc_list'

if ioppytest testing tool is running on a certain AMQP vhost,
and test case 20 and 21 have been executed.
Then using ioppytest console provides nice features like ask the
testing tool for all the pcap files and create a local copy of those:
python3 -i

Project dir: /Users/fsismondi/dev/ioppytest
ENVIRONMENT VAR not found, using defaulte: INTERACTIVE_SESSION=True
Env vars for AMQP connection succesfully imported
URL: amqp://
AMQP_EXCHANGE: amq.topic
Welcome to ttproto console.
- run as: python3 -i
- Use [tab] to complete
- Use help(object) to print help messages.
- Quit using ctrl+d
>>> # use AMQP event bus instance where a testing tool is listening to:
>>> AMQP_URL='amqp://'
>>> ioppytest_cli
<module 'ioppytest_cli.ioppytest_cli' from '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ioppytest_cli/'>

>>> ioppytest_cli.session_profile.update({'amqp_url': AMQP_URL})
>>> ioppytest_cli.download_network_traces()

No connection established yet, setting up one..

[Test Assistant] Connecting to amqp://
testcase_id testcase_ref objective state
--------------- --------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------
TD_COAP_CORE_01 Perform GET transaction(CON mode) skipped
TD_COAP_CORE_02 Perform DELETE transaction (CON mode) skipped
TD_COAP_CORE_03 Perform PUT transaction (CON mode) skipped
TD_COAP_CORE_04 Perform POST transaction (CON mode) skipped
TD_COAP_CORE_05 Perform GET transaction (NON mode) skipped
TD_COAP_CORE_06 Perform DELETE transaction (NON mode) skipped
TD_COAP_CORE_07 Perform PUT transaction (NON mode) skipped
TD_COAP_CORE_08 Perform POST transaction (NON mode) skipped
TD_COAP_CORE_09 Perform GET transaction with separate response(CON mode, no piggyback) skipped
TD_COAP_CORE_10 Perform GET transaction containing non-empty Token (CON mode) skipped
TD_COAP_CORE_11 Perform GET transaction containing non-empty Token with a separate response (CON mode) skipped
TD_COAP_CORE_12 Perform GET transaction using empty Token (CON mode) skipped
TD_COAP_CORE_13 Perform GET transaction containing several URI-Path options (CON mode) skipped
TD_COAP_CORE_14 Perform GET transaction containing several URI-Query options (CON mode) skipped
TD_COAP_CORE_15 Perform GET transaction (CON mode, piggybacked response) in a lossy context skipped
TD_COAP_CORE_16 Perform GET transaction (CON mode, delayed response) in a lossy context skipped
TD_COAP_CORE_17 Perform GET transaction with a separate response(NON mode) skipped
TD_COAP_CORE_18 Perform POST transaction with responses containing several Location-Path option(CON mode) skipped
TD_COAP_CORE_19 Perform POST transaction with responses containing several Location-Query option(CON mode) skipped
TD_COAP_CORE_20 Perform GET transaction containing the Accept option (CON mode) finished
TD_COAP_CORE_21 Perform GET transaction containing the Etag option (CON mode) finished
TD_COAP_CORE_22 Perform GET transaction with responses containing the ETag option requests containing the If-Match option (CON mode) configuring
TD_COAP_CORE_23 Perform PUT transaction containing the If-None-Match option (CON mode) None
TD_COAP_CORE_31 Perform CoAP Ping (CON mode) skipped

[User input] downloaded network trace TD_COAP_CORE_20.pcap , into dir: tmp
[User input] downloaded network trace TD_COAP_CORE_21.pcap , into dir: tmp

ls tmp/*.pcap


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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