
Creator: bigcodingguy24

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iotprovision is a command-line utility for provisioning Microchip AVR-IoT, PIC-IoT and SAM-IoT kits for use with various cloud providers.

iotprovision is available:

install using pip from pypi:
browse source code on github:
read API documentation on github:
read the changelog on github:

Command-line interface
Getting help:
iotprovision --help

The amount of logging is controlled by the -v/--verbose option:
iotprovision -v debug

Possible log levels are debug, info, warning, error, critical. Default is info.
Print version info and exit:
iotprovision -V

Print release info and exit:
iotprovision -R

Provision for Amazon Web Services, using sandbox account:
iotprovision -c aws

Provision for Amazon Web Services, using MAR and custom account:
iotprovision -c aws -m mar

Provision for Amazon Web Services, using JITR and custom account:
iotprovision -c aws -m jitr

Provision for Azure:
iotprovision -c azure

Notes for Linux® systems
This package uses pyedbglib and other libraries for USB transport and some udev rules are required.
For details see the pyedbglib package:
[2.12] - December 2023

Added support for SAM-IoT WX v2


DSG-5726 Made handling of firmware upgrades for Sequans modem, WINC, and debugger consistent
DSG-5942 Root certificate update for Azure
DSG-6661 Updated Sequans firmware (
DSG-6662 Updated bundled WINC Firmware (19.7.7)
DSG-6854 Updated bundled debugger firmware (1.30.35)
DSG-5230 Google IoT Core EOL - removed support in provisioning tool


DSG-5724 iotprovision does not take profile into account when doing AWS custom provisioning
DSG-5744 iotprovision argument --sprov does not work for wifi kits
DSG-6130 PEP-0440 compliance for iotprovision

[2.10.6] - October 2022

DSG-5161 Moved device certificate and private key from slot 0 to slot 18 to conform with Sequans requirements (Sequans FW >=
DSG-5563 Added notification if Sequans firmware is out of date
DSG-5008 Switch to using ATdriver from pysequansutils
DSG-5078 Updated bundled debugger firmware (1.25.116)
DSG-5458 Added metadata tag for Python 3.10
DSG-5546 Removed metadata tag for Python 3.6
DSG-5614 Updated pykitcommander dependency requirement (to use updated provisioning firmware)
DSG-5618 Improved error reporting for serial port detection
DSG-5624 Updated pyedbglib dependency requirement for improved serial port detection
DSG-5628 Changed behaviour of -P switch to override an automatically detected port; Changed -p to -P in pywinc utility.

[2.8.5] - June 2022

DSG-4600 Support for SAM-IoT provisioning
DSG-4818 Support for AVR-IoT Cellular Mini provisioning


DSG-4868 Removed full stack trace when using info logging
DSG-5013 Added Amazon root CA bundle as recommended by Amazon (pyawsutils dependency)
DSG-4214, DSG-4198, DSG-4185, DSG-4360 Provisioning output cosmetic improvements
DSG-4323, DSG-4297 Debugger firmware upgrade not mandatory after v1.15
DSG-3019, DSG-3017, DSG-3346, DSG-4188, DSG-4869 improvements to WINC handling

[2.5.21] - December 2021

DSG-3048 Added option to skip programming provisioning firmware
DSG-3049 Added certificate blob build and upload (pywinc)
DSG-3804 Python 3.9 support
DSG-4175 Temporary click-me link for Azure


DSG-4232, DSG-4330 Improved target firmware interaction stability
DSG-3491 iotprovision (MAR) incorrect warning on default organization name


DSG-4198, DSG-4214, DSG-4295, DSG-2999 Improved output
DSG-4323 Only upgrade debugger if version is lower than 1.15.479
DSG-3015 Update pywinc CLI to use pykitcommander
DSG-3070 No AWS account settings are altered
DSG-3140 Prevent auto-amazon of iotprovisioning
DSG-3393 Moved provisioning logic from pyazureutils to iotprovision
DSG-4177 Bundle latest released nEDBG/PKOB nano FW (1.22.73)
DSG-3141 Improve novice users CLI experience

[2.1.2] - February 2021

First public release to PyPi


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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