ipdetailscache 0.4.8

Creator: railscoder56

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ipdetailscache 0.4.8


A Python library to gather IP address details (ASN, prefix, resource holder, reverse DNS) using the RIPEStat API, with a basic cache to avoid flood of requests and to enhance performances.

Requirements / Third-party Libraries
Part of this work is based on Google Python IP address manipulation library (https://code.google.com/p/ipaddr-py/) and Jeff Ferland IPy library (https://github.com/autocracy/python-ipy).
You need either ipaddr or IPy; versions >=0.2 of this library try to import ipaddr, then fall back on IPy.
You can install them using pip:

pip install ipaddr
pip install IPy

The pip packaged version installs the IPy library.


Using pip:
pip install ipdetailscache

Manually, by cloning this repository:
git clone https://github.com/pierky/ipdetailscache.git

Some tests are provided within the tests directory. You can run them with nosetests -vs.

Import the library, then setup a cache object and use it to gather IP address details.
The cache object will automatically load and save data to the local cache files.
Optionally, the cache object may be instantiated with the following arguments:

IP_ADDRESSES_CACHE_FILE, path to the file where IP addresses cache will be stored (default: “ip_addr.cache”);
IP_PREFIXES_CACHE_FILE, path to the file where IP prefixes cache will be stored (default: “ip_pref.cache”);
MAX_CACHE, expiration time for cache entries, in seconds (default: 604800, 1 week);
dont_save_on_del, avoid to save the cache on __del__ (default: False, so it saves the cache);
Debug, set to True to enable some debug messages (default: False).

IP_ADDRESSES_CACHE_FILE and IP_PREFIXES_CACHE_FILE can be set to None to avoid persistent storage of the cache on files.

Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) information
Starting from version 0.3.0, results can be enriched with Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) IP address space information.
This feature is based on PeeringDB.com (www.peeringdb.com) API.
To enable IXPs info gathering, call the UseIXPs method of the cache.
Results are given in a dictionary containing the following keys:
- ASN ["<ASN>" | "unknown" | "not announced"]
- Holder "string"
- Prefix "string"
- HostName "string"
- IsIXP [ None | bool ]
- IXPName "string"
- TS int
Hostname is obtained using the local socket.getfqdn function.
Usage example:
from pierky.ipdetailscache import IPDetailsCache
cache = IPDetailsCache( IP_ADDRESSES_CACHE_FILE = "ip_addr.cache", IP_PREFIXES_CACHE_FILE = "ip_pref.cache", MAX_CACHE = 604800, Debug = False )
cache.UseIXPs( WhenUse=1, IXP_CACHE_FILE="ixps.cache", MAX_CACHE=604800 )
result = cache.GetIPInformation( "IP_ADDRESS" )
The WhenUse argument of UseIXPs method has this meaning:

0: do not use IXPs info;
1: use IXPs info only when can’t determine ASN (unknown or not announced)
2: always use IXPs info.

:~# python
Python 2.7.2+ (default, Jul 20 2012, 22:15:08)
[GCC 4.6.1] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from pierky.ipdetailscache import IPDetailsCache
>>> cache = IPDetailsCache()
>>> result = cache.GetIPInformation( "" )
>>> result
{'HostName': 'www.ripe.net', 'TS': 1453068601, 'Prefix': u'', 'IsIXP': None, 'IXPName': '', 'Holder': u'RIPE-NCC-AS Reseaux IP Europeens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC),NL', 'ASN': '3333'}

Example with UseIXPs, WhenUse=1 (default) = DE-CIX Hamburg IP, not announced = AMS-IX IP, announced
>>> cache.UseIXPs()
>>> decix_ip="" # DE-CIX Hamburg IP, not announced
>>> amsix_ip="" # AMS-IX IP, announced
>>> result = cache.GetIPInformation(decix_ip)
>>> result
{'HostName': 'ge1-1-12-br2.hamburg10.iphh.net', 'TS': 1453068691, 'Prefix': u'', 'IsIXP': True, 'IXPName': u'DE-CIX Hamburg', 'Holder': '', 'ASN': 'not announced'}
>>> result = cache.GetIPInformation(amsix_ip)
>>> result
{'HostName': 'rtr-eun-01.ams-ix.net', 'TS': 1453068704, 'Prefix': u'', 'IsIXP': None, 'IXPName': '', 'Holder': u'AMS-IX1 Amsterdam Internet Exchange B.V.,NL', 'ASN': '1200'}
AMS-IX IP is announced, so IsIXP is None because no IXP info have been used here.

Example with UseIXPs, WhenUse=2
Clear local cache with rm *.cache, then:
>>> from pierky.ipdetailscache import IPDetailsCache
>>> cache = IPDetailsCache()
>>> cache.UseIXPs(WhenUse=2)
>>> decix_ip="" # DE-CIX Hamburg IP, not announced
>>> amsix_ip="" # AMS-IX IP, announced
>>> result = cache.GetIPInformation(decix_ip)
>>> result
{'HostName': 'ge1-1-12-br2.hamburg10.iphh.net', 'TS': 1453068812, 'Prefix': u'', 'IsIXP': True, 'IXPName': u'DE-CIX Hamburg', 'Holder': '', 'ASN': 'not announced'}
>>> result = cache.GetIPInformation(amsix_ip)
>>> result
{'HostName': 'rtr-eun-01.ams-ix.net', 'TS': 1453068956, 'Prefix': u'', 'IsIXP': True, 'IXPName': u'AMS-IX', 'Holder': u'AMS-IX1 Amsterdam Internet Exchange B.V.,NL', 'ASN': '1200'}
Here, even if AMS-IX announces its peering LAN prefix, IXPs info have been used to enrich results because WhenUse is 2.
>>> result = cache.GetIPInformation( "" )
>>> result
{'HostName': 'www.ripe.net', 'TS': 1453068965, 'Prefix': u'', 'IsIXP': False, 'IXPName': '', 'Holder': u'RIPE-NCC-AS Reseaux IP Europeens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC),NL', 'ASN': '3333'}
The www.ripe.net IP is not on an IXPs peering LAN, so IsIXP == False.

Bug? Issues?
Have a bug? Please create an issue on GitHub at https://github.com/pierky/ipdetailscache/issues

Pier Carlo Chiodi - https://pierky.com
Blog: https://blog.pierky.com
Twitter: @pierky http://twitter.com/pierky

Release History


Fix a packaging issue.


PeeringDB API is no longer in beta: URL updated.


Wrong behaviour when a cached IP address expires.


Behaviour change in IXPs info: if WhenUse != 0 check for IXPs info also for cached addresses having IsIXP == None


Force UTF-8 on IXPs info download


In case of missing or bad IXPs info from PeeringDB, raise IPDetailsCacheIXPInformationError

0.4.0 to 0.4.2
New Features

New packaged version
.md to .rst for better PyPI readability

New Features

IXPs information


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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