ipydb 0.0.2

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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ipydb 0.0.2

ipydb is an IPython plugin for running SQL queries and viewing their results.

Some demonstration videos are available in the documentation
$ ipython
In [1] : %load_ext ipydb
In [2] : %automagic on
Automagic is ON, % prefix IS NOT needed for line magics.

In [3] : connecturl mysql://user:pass@localhost/employees
In [4] localhost/employees: tables

In [5] localhost/employees: fields departments
dept_name VARCHAR(40)
dept_no CHAR(4)

In [6] localhost/employees: select * from departments order by dept_name
| dept_no | dept_name |
| d009 | Customer Service |
| d005 | Development |
| d002 | Finance |
| d003 | Human Resources |
| d001 | Marketing |
| d004 | Production |
| d006 | Quality Management |
| d008 | Research |
| d007 | Sales |


Tab-completion of table names, fields and joins
View query results in ascii-table format piped through less
Single-line or multi-line query editing
Tab-completion metadata is read in the background and persisted across sessions
Cross-database support, thanks to SqlAlchemy: supported databases

To install ipydb:
$ pip install ipydb
You will need a python driver for your database of choice. For example:
$ pip install mysql-python
ipydb uses SqlAlchemy to interact with databases.
See the Supported Databases page
for a (large!) list of supported DB-API 2.0 drivers and how to
write a connection URL for your particular database.
Start ipython and load the ipydb plugin:
$ ipython
In [1]: load_ext ipydb

Documentation is available at: http://ipydb.readthedocs.org

Connecting to Databases
There are two ways to connect to a database with ipydb. Directly via a connection url, using
the connecturl magic function, or, using a connection ‘nickname’ with the connect magic function.

1. Using connecturl
You can connect to a database using an SqlAlchemy style url as follows:
%connecturl drivername://username:password@host/database
Some examples:
In [3] : connecturl mysql://myuser:mypass@localhost/mydatabase
In [4] : connecturl sqlite:///path/to/mydb.sqlite
In [5] : connecturl sqlite:///:memory:
See the SqlAlchemy Documentation for further information.

2. Using connect and a .db-connections configuration file
For this to work, you need to create a file called
.db-connections located in your home directory.
.db-connections is an “ini” formatted file,
parsable by python’s ConfigParser module.
Here’s an example of what ~/.db-connections might look like:
type = mysql
username = root
password = xxxx
host = localhost
database = employees

type = sqlite
database = /path/to/file.sqlite
Each database connection defined in ~/.db-connections is
then referenceable via its [section heading]. So with the
above .db-connections file, the following examples would work:
In [6] : connect mydb
In [7] mydb : connect myotherdb


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