irclog2html 3.0.0

Creator: bradpython12

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irclog2html 3.0.0

Converts IRC log files to HTML with pretty colours.

Quick start
pip install irclog2html
Quick usage for a single log file:
irclog2html --help
irclog2html filename.log (produces filename.log.html)
Mass-conversion of logs (one file per day, with YYYY-MM-DD in the filename)
with next/prev links, with mtime checks, usable from cron:
logs2html directory/ (looks for *.log and *.log.gz, produces *.log.html)

Configuration files
Since you probably don’t want to keep specifying the same options on the
command line every time you run logs2html, you can create a config file.
For example:
-t 'IRC logs for #mychannel'
-p 'IRC logs for #mychannel for '
# the following needs some extra Apache setup to enable the CGI/WSGI script
# where we keep the logs
Use it like this:
logs2html -c /path/to/mychannel.conf
Lines starting with a # are ignored. Other lines are interpreted as
command-line options.
The order matters: options on the command line before the -c FILE will
be overriden by option in the config file. Options specified after -c FILE
will override the options in the config file.
You can include more than one config file by repeating -c FILE. You
can include config files from other config files. You can even create loops of
config files and then watch and laugh manically as logs2html sits there burning
your CPU.

CGI script for log searching

The script can be easily abused to cause a denial of service attack; it
parses all log files every time you perform a search.

You can generate search boxes on IRC log pages by passing the --searchbox
option to logs2html. Here’s an example Apache config snippet that makes
it work:
RewriteRule ^/my-irclog/search/$ /my-irclog/search [R,L]
ScriptAlias /my-irclog/search /usr/local/bin/irclogsearch
<Location /my-irclog/search>
SetEnv IRCLOG_LOCATION "/var/www/my-irclog/"
# Uncomment the following if your log files use a different format
#SetEnv IRCLOG_GLOB "*.log.????-??-??"
# (this will also automatically handle *.log.????-??-??.gz)

WSGI script for log serving

The script can be easily abused to cause a denial of service attack; it
parses all log files every time you perform a search.

There’s now an experimental WSGI script that can generate HTML for the
logs on the fly. You can use it if you don’t like cron scripts and CGI.
Here’s an example Apache config snippet:
WSGIScriptAlias /irclogs /usr/local/bin/irclogserver
<Location /irclogs>
SetEnv IRCLOG_LOCATION "/var/www/my-irclog/"
# Uncomment the following if your log files use a different format
#SetEnv IRCLOG_GLOB "*.log.????-??-??"
# (this will also automatically handle *.log.????-??-??.gz)
Currently it has certain downsides:

configuration is very limited, e.g you cannot specify titles or styles
or enable dircproxy mode
HTML files in the irc log directory will take precedence over
dynamically-generated logs even if they’re older than the corresponding
log file (but on the plus side you can use that to have dynamic search
via WSGI, but keep statically-generated HTML files with your own config

WSGI script for multi-channel log serving

The script can be easily abused to cause a denial of service attack; it
parses all log files every time you perform a search.

The experimental WSGI script can serve logs for multiple channels:
WSGIScriptAlias /irclogs /usr/local/bin/irclogserver
<Location /irclogs>
SetEnv IRCLOG_CHAN_DIR "/var/www/my-irclog/"
# Uncomment the following if your log files use a different format
#SetEnv IRCLOG_GLOB "*.log.????-??-??"
# (this will also automatically handle *.log.????-??-??.gz)
Now /irclogs will show a list of channels (subdirectories under
/var/www/my-irclog/), and /irclogs/channel/ will show the
date index for that channel.

Bug tracker:
Licence: GPL v2 or v3 (


3.0.0 (2023-08-28)

Drop support for Python 2.7 and 3.6.
Add support for Python 3.10 and 3.11.
Make permalinks permanent even from the latest.html file, by emitting the
filename in the links.
Add <meta name=”viewport”> to set initial scale to 1 for improved mobile
experience (PR 32).
Support logs files created by ii (Irc it)
(PR 33).

2.17.3 (2021-07-08)

Add support for Python 3.8 and 3.9.
Drop support for Python 3.5.
Fix a bug where specifying –output-dir (-o) to logs2html would mistakenly
skip generating some HTML files if they existed in the source directory
(issue 29).

2.17.2 (2019-04-23)

Drop support for Python 3.4.

2.17.1 (2018-11-25)

Add support for Python 3.7.
Drop support for Python 3.3.
Support python -m irclog2html as shortcut for
python -m irclog2html.irclog2html.
Make irclogserver ignore hidden directories (such as .git).

2.17.0 (2018-02-21)

Support ii logs which use Unix
timestamps (
Pull request by Cédric Krier.

2.16.0 (2017-12-20)

Support Python 3.6.
Fix for duplicated lines with the same time where the resulting HTML id
anchors would evolve into long form like “t22:24:49-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10”
instead of “t22:24:49-10” resulting in significant output file size growth
in some cases.
Add –output-dir (-o) parameter to logs2html so you can place the generated
HTML files in a directory different from the input directory (PR #20).

2.15.3 (2016-12-08)

In some circumstances parts of a message up to the last ‘>’ could be lost

2.15.2 (2016-10-07)

irclogserver channel list is now split into old channels and active
channels, detected by checking whether the directory modification date
is newer or older than 7 days.
2nd-level headings now have the same color as 1st-level headings.
irclogserver no longer shows a 404 if you omit the trailing /
after a channel name in the URL.

2.15.1 (2016-09-25)

Lines with the same timestamp now get different HTML anchors
( Thanks
to Bryan Bishop for the original pull request.

2.15.0 (2016-09-25)

There’s a new irclogserver script that can be used to serve
dynamically-generated IRC logs and perform search. It can also be
deployed via WSGI. Portions contributed by Albertas Agejevas
Index pages group the logs by month
Drop support for Python 2.6.

2.14.0 (2014-12-12)

Add -o option to specify the output file name. Patch by Moises Silva

2.13.1 (2014-02-01)

Add support for Windows (e.g. refrain from creating latest.log.html

2.13.0 (2013-12-18)

Handle gzipped files transparently

2.12.1 (2013-03-22)

Fix AttributeError in irclogsearch on Python 2.7

2.12.0 (2013-03-18)

Moved to Github.
Add support for Python 3.3.
Drop support for Python 2.4 and 2.5.
Fix URL linkifier to not include trailing punctuation (LP#1155906).

2.11.1 (2013-03-17)

logs2html also accepts filenames that contain YYYYMMDD dates (in addition to
YYYY-MM-DD). Patch by Holger Just. Fixes LP#1031642.

2.11.0 (2012-07-30)

irclogsearch can be told about the filename pattern of log files via an
environment variable (IRCLOG_GLOB). Patch by Jonathan Kinred.

2.10.0 (2012-02-12)

New option: –glob-pattern. Patch by Albertas Agejevas.
Fixes LP#912310.
Links in logs are marked with rel=”nofollow”. Patch by Matt Wheeler.
Fixes LP#914553.
New option: –version.
New option: -c, –config=FILE.

2.9.2 (2011-01-16)

Support XChat Latin/Unicode hybrid encoding (
Fixes LP#703622.
irclog2html copies irclog.css file into the destination directory.
Fixes LP#608727.

2.9.1 (2010-08-06)

Make sure irclog.css is installed in the right place; logs2html needs it.

2.9 (2010-08-06)

Restructured source tree, made irclogs2html into a package, added,
buildout.cfg,, Makefile, HACKING.txt; moved old porting test
suite into a subdirectory (porting).
logs2html copies irclog.css file into the destination directory.
Released into PyPI.

2.8 (2010-07-22)

Added README.txt and CHANGES.txt.
Support dircproxy log files (new date format: “[15 Jan 08:42]”,
strip ident and IP address from nicknames). Patch by Paul Frields.
New option: –dircproxy also makes irclog2html strip a single leading
‘+’ or ‘-’ from messages.

2.7.1 (2009-04-30)

Bug in error reporting, reported by Ondrej Baudys.

2.7 (2008-06-10)

New style: mediawiki. Patch by Ian Weller.

2.6 (2007-10-30)

Support another date format (Oct 17 10:53:26). Patch by Matthew Barnes.

2.5.1 (2007-03-22) add a stable link to the latest log file
(suggested by Chris Foster).

2.5 (2007-01-22)

New option: –searchbox.
Search CGI script improvements (e.g. put newest matches on top).

2.4 (2006-12-11)

Added a sample CGI script for brute-force log searches.

2.3 (2005-03-08)

Use xhtmltable style by default.
Added a copy of the navbar at the bottom.

2.2 (2005-02-04)

Support supybot’s ChannelLogger date format (e.g. 02-Feb-2004).
Fixed broken timestamp hyperlinks in xhtml/xhtmltable styles.
CSS tweaks.

2.1mg (2005-01-09)

Ported version 2.1 by Jeff Waugh from Perl to Python.
New styles: xhtml, xhtmltable.
New options: –title, –{prev,index,next}-{url,title}
Removed hardcoded nick colour preferences for jdub, cantaker and chuckd
Bugfix: colours are preserver accross nick changes ( tried to
do that, but had a bug in a regex)
Added ISO8601 timestamp support (e.g. 2005-01-09T12:43:11).
More careful URL linkification (stop at ‘, “, ), >).
Added script for mass-conversion of logs.
Added support for xchat log files.
Added script for splitting xchat logs on day boundaries so they’re suitable as input for


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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