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ismsgs 1.1.18
Repository containing the schema for standard ::is messages.
To use protocol buffers with Python, simply run:
pip install --user is-msgs
If your project contains messages using a message from this repository, e.g.:
syntax = "proto3";
import "is/msgs/common.proto";
message MyMessage {
is.common.Pose pose = 1;
You can build using:
Releasing new versions
It's important to test your package before release it. You can do that installing it locally running the command bellow. It's recommended to use virtual environments.
python install --user
Ensure that the new features added are working properly. Afterwards, you'll need do build a tarball file with package's content.
python sdist
A .tar.gz file will be created on dist/ folder, containing the version on its name. Now, use the twine tool to send you package to PyPi. Username and password will be required.
twine upload dist/is_msgs-$(cat .version).tar.gz
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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