isoenum 0.4.1

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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isoenum 0.4.1

Isotopic (iso) enumerator (enum) - enumerates isotopically resolved
InChI (International Chemical Identifier) for metabolites.
The isoenum Python package provides command-line interface that
allows you to enumerate the possible isotopically-resolved InChI from one of
the Chemical Table file (CTfile) formats (i.e. molfile, SDfile)
used to describe chemical molecules and reactions as well as from InChI
See Tutorial documentation for usage examples of isoenum Python package
as well as isoenum docker container.


isoenum @ GitHub
isoenum @ PyPI
isoenum @ DockerHub
isoenum @ ReadTheDocs

The isoenum package runs under Python 2.7 and Python 3.4+. Use pip to install.

Install on Linux, Mac OS X
python3 -m pip install isoenum

Install on Windows
py -3 -m pip install isoenum

The isoenum Python package requires a non-pip-installable dependency:
the Open Babel chemistry library version 2.3.90 or later, which relies on
InChI library version 1.0.4 or later to perform InChI conversions.
Refer to the official documentation to install Open Babel on your system:

Official Installation Instructions:

In addition to PyPI package, Dockerfile and the automatically built DockerHub
container, which contains the isoenum Python package and all its dependencies, are
also provided.
To use the isoenum Python package, you will need to setup docker for your system
and pull or build the docker container.

Install docker
Install docker:

Follow the instructions to install docker on your system:


Setup container
Setup the isoenum container:

pull the built image from the DockerHub:

# docker pull moseleybioinformaticslab/isoenum
# docker tag moseleybioinformaticslab/isoenum:latest isoenum:latest # retag docker image
# docker rmi moseleybioinformaticslab/isoenum # remove after you have retagged it

or build an image using Dockerfile at the root of this repo by running
docker build from the directory containing Dockerfile:

# docker build -t isoenum .

Development version installation

Install development version on Linux, Mac OS X
python3 -m pip install git+git://

Install development version on Windows
py -3 -m pip install git+git://

This package is distributed under the BSD license.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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