isogeo-scan-metadata-processor 1.1.1

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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isogeoscanmetadataprocessor 1.1.1

Isogeo Scan - Metadata Processor

Middleware used to process metadata issued by Isogeo Scan.
Available as:

Python package
Windows executable


Python 3.7

# create virtual env
py -3.7 -m venv .venv
# activate it
# update basic tooling
python -m pip install -U pip setuptools wheel
# install requirements
python -m pip install -U -r ./requirements.txt
# install package for development
python -m pip install --editable .

Try it

Rename the .env.example into .env and fill the settings
Launch the CLI

For example, get the help:
scan-metadata-processor --help

# for all default formats
scan-metadata-processor --label "CheckProcessConfig" --settings .\.env check

Process metadata:
scan-metadata-processor --label "ProcessInputMetadata" --settings .\.env process

There is also a clean task to automatically remove outdated logs and output files:
scan-metadata-processor --label "CleanLogs" --settings .\.env clean

Usage of the executable
Just replace scan-metadata-processor by the executable filename:
.\Isogeo_ScanMetadataProcessor.exe --label "ProcessInputMetadata" --settings .\.env process

Every tagged commit pushed to master triggers a deployment to:

Azure Storage : Isogeo/isogeoscan/app/isogeo-scan-metadata-processor/
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