isrcsubmit 2.1.0

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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isrcsubmit 2.1.0

This python script extracts ISRCs from audio CDs
and submits them to MusicBrainz.
This script uses python-musicbrainzngs to access the MusicBrainz API
and python-discid to create an identifier for the disc.
The script works for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows.


read ISRCs from disc
search for releases with the TOC of the disc
display release information from MusicBrainz
submit ISRCs
submit discIds / TOCs
duplicate ISRC detection (local and on server)


Python 2 >= 2.6 or Python 3 >= 3.1
python-discid >= 1.0.0 (or python-libdiscid >= 0.2.0)
python-musicbrainzngs >= 0.4
keyring (optional)

Usage: [options] [username] [device]
All arguments are optional. For detailed usage see: -h

Windows Usage:
Windows users should use:

Mac Usage:
Mac users should rather use:
This also works on Linux.

Duplicate ISRCs:
Some cd readers report the same ISRCs for different (adjacent) tracks.
Others don’t, for the same physical disc.
For me my dvd writer worked better.
On Windows the mediatools backend should give correct results either way.
Isrcsubmit checks for problems with duplicate ISRCs and prints a warning.
You will always have the choice to cancel the submission if something
seems to be wrong.
If the disc is known to MusicBrainz, additional information about it
is fetched from MusicBrainz.
If the disc is unknown, you will be given the chance to submit the ID
to the server.

If you downloaded isrcsubmit as a zip package for your platform
then you only need to extract that somewhere and start using it.
You can also stop reading this section.
You can install using pypi with:
pip install isrcsubmit
This handles all python dependencies, but you still need to
install libdiscid (before running pip).
The script itself does not need any installation,
but “python install” might work for you.
However, the backends and libraries should get
installed so that the script has access to them.
On Linux you just install the above mentioneed dependencies with
the package manager of your distribution.
For Ubuntu all dependencies should be in the MusicBrainz Stable PPA,
if not in the official repositories.
On Windows and Mac you have to put the musicbrainzngs folder of
python-musicbrainzngs, discid of python-discid in the same
directory as this script or adjust the python path.
You also need to put discid.dll (Windows) and libdiscid.dylib.0 (Mac)
into this location or in the PATH.

Additional information:
In order to submit ISRCs to you need to have a user acount.
You can create an account at free of charge.
The core of the MusicBrainz dataset including the ISRC contributions is placed
into the Public Domain.
For a documentation of the available backends please refer to the manual
or the web page.
You might find additional information about this script at the
MusicBrainz forums.

Please report bugs on GitHub.

GNU General Public License Version 3 or later


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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