jaad 0.11

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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jaad 0.11


Jaad is an addition to Django.
It is based on Django Rest Framework and is designed to simplify
the syntax needed to expose a resilient REST API.
To install Jaad using pip run:
pip install jaad

Creating a new project
To create a new project create a project directory
and use jaad-admin.py startproject.
This will create the following files:
|-- server/
| |-- apps/
| | |-- __init__.py
| | `-- index/
| | |-- __init__.py
| | |-- parameters.py
| | `-- view.py
| |-- logs/
| |-- settings/
| | |-- __init__.py
| | |-- application.py
| | |-- local.py
| | `-- __init__.py
| `-- urls.py
`-- manage.py

manage.py is the classic Django management script hence
you can run your server using:
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=server.settings.local python manage.py runserver

This will launch your server and make it available here:
A default Index view was automatically created.
You can have a look at its definition in server/apps/index/
as it uses Jaad core features.
Creating a new view
To create a view create a submodule in apps and define in it a class
inheriting from JaadView.
Then define the HTTP method you want to support:
from jaad.view import JaadView

class Hello(JaadView):
def get(self, request):
return "Hello"

def post(self, request):
return "This was a POST request"

You can then expose it by modifying server/urls.py
Defining parameters
You can define a set of parameters that a view support using a Jaad Form:
from jaad.forms import fields

class HelloWorldParameters(fields.Form):
name = fields.StringField(
help_text="Enter your name :)"

And then using it in your views:
from jaad.view import JaadView, with_parameters

class Hello(JaadView):
@with_parameters("GET", HelloWorldParameters)
def get(self, request, parameters):
return "Hello {}".format(parameters["name"])

def post(self, request):
return "This was a POST request"

The additional parameter used to call your method contains your
parameter values validated and converted to python objects
(int, datetime, ...).
with_parameters can be called with as many Form as you want and will
add a parameter to your method for each Form.
Interactive documentation
You can add an interactive documentation to your API using
jaad-admin.py add-doc.
This will create the following files in server/apps/
|-- static/
| `-- css/
| `-- documentation.css
|-- templates/
| `-- rest_framework_swagger/
| |-- base.html
| `-- index.html
`-- urls.py

This is a Swagger UI that relies on Django Rest Framework Swagger
and is not exposed yet.
To expose it:

In server/urls.py import include from django.conf.urls
if not already done and add url(r'^doc/', include('documentation.urls'))
to urlpatterns.
Add 'server.apps.documentation' to INSTALLED_APPS
in server/settings/application.py

You can now access your API documentation on
The documentation is automatically updated based on all exposed view
docstrings and parameter definitions.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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