jobflow-remote 0.1.3

Creator: railscoder56

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jobflowremote 0.1.3


Full Documentation
Jobflow Remote is a Python package to run jobflow workflows on remote resources.
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Ask questions about Jobflow Remote on the Jobflow Remote support forum.
If you've found an issue with jobflow-remote, please submit a bug report on GitHub Issues.
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Track changes to jobflow-remote through the changelog.
We greatly appreciate any contributions in the form of a pull request.
Additional information on contributing to jobflow-remote can be found here.
We maintain a list of all contributors here.
Code of conduct
Help us keep jobflow-remote open and inclusive.
Please read and follow our Code of Conduct.

jobflow-remote is released under a modified BSD license; the full text can be found here.
If you use Jobflow in your work, please cite it as follows:

"Jobflow: Computational Workflows Made Simple", A.S. Rosen, M. Gallant, J. George, J. Riebesell, H. Sahasrabuddhe, J.X. Shen, M. Wen, M.L. Evans, G. Petretto, D. Waroquiers, G.‑M. Rignanese, K.A. Persson, A. Jain, A.M. Ganose, Journal of Open Source Software, 9(93), 5995 (2024) DOI: 10.21105/joss.05995

jobflow-remote is developed and maintained by Matgenix SRL.
A full list of all contributors can be found here.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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