jor 0.1.2

Creator: bradpython12

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jor 0.1.2

jor (JOb Runner) keeps track of jobs. Jobs are specified
in a simple format and can then be run collectively with a
simple command, mindful of which outputs already exist.
Jobs can optionally be run in a conda environment or in a
Singularity container, and can be run either locally or
submitted to a compute node with slurm.
jor is particularly useful

if a large number of different jobs needs to be run
for parameter sweeps
in an HPC environment: jor can submit jobs with slurm
for reproducible research results: jor can run jobs in a Singularity container

To use jor requires 3 preparatory steps:

Write a simple Python wrapper around the actual computations, specifying the job’s inputs and outputs
Collect all the jobs in a todo-list
Write up some runtime-arguments in a config file

These steps are described in detail below.
Once these preparations are done, all jobs can be run with
jor run
and the status of the jobs specified in the todo-list can be inspected with
jor status

Preparatory steps

1. The Job-wrapper
This is the most complex of the 3 steps. It requires to implement 4-5 functions that specify

the parameters for each job
the output folder for each job
the name of the output file for each job
the actual computation for each job
if applicable, how to concatenate all outputs of this job into a single file

All these steps would be necessary no matter if jor is used to perform
the jobs’ computations or not, the only difference is that, to use jor they
need to be specified in a particular way. Thus jor doesn’t lead to much
code overhead.

Here is a template:
import pathlib
import jor

class Jobs(jor.JobsBase):

# slurm options
name = 'job'
time = '0-23:59:59'
mem = '5G'
cpus_per_task = 1

def __init__(self, n=3, path_prefix='.'):

# init base class

# store job-specific keyword arguments
self.n = int(n)

# assemble a list of jobs

def _mk_jobs(self):
"""Generates the attribute ``self._jobs``

``self._jobs`` is a list of dictionaries, containing one dictionary
for each jobs to be run. Each of these dictionaries specifies the
parameters for each individual job.
self._jobs = [
for i in range(self.n)

def _get_output_folder(self):
"""Return output folder for jobs

Output folder is the ``path_prefix``, followed by the name of a subfolder
encoding the arguments given in the constructor.
output_folder = pathlib.Path(self.path_prefix) / f'example{self.n}'
return str(output_folder)

def _get_output_fname(self, index):
"""Return output file name for a given job

The particular job is specified by the arguments to this function,
which match the keys of the dictionaries in ``self._jobs`` (cf.
outfname = f'ind{index}.txt'
return outfname

def execute(self, i):
"""This function performs the actual work

i : int between 0 and number of jobs (``len(self._jobs)``)
indicating the index in ``self._jobs`` from which to take
the dictionary with this job's parameter values
myargs = self._jobs[i]
output_path = self._get_output_path(**myargs)

# do the work and write outcomes to file ``output_path``
with open(output_path, 'wt') as f:
f.write(str(myargs) + '\n')

def collect(self):
"""Concatenates all outputs into a common output

This function is optional and can be implemented if desired for
the particular job. It is called by running ``jor collect`` on the
command line.


The wrapper needs to be a Python file containaing a class Jobs, derived from jor.JobsBase
The indicated slurm options are defaults inherited from jor.JobsBase, i.e. they only need to be specified if a different value is desired

To adapt this to a specific application:

Adapt the constructor to take job-specific arguments
Reimplement _mk_jobs
Reimplement _get_output_folder
Reimplement _get_output_fname
Reimplement execute
If applicable, reimplement collect

2. The todo-list
The file containing the todo-list is a YAML file named
todo.yaml by default.
It has the following format:
- jobmodule: ./
jobargs: n=3
- jobmodule: ./
jobargs: n=4
There can be an arbitrary number of jobs specified in this file.


The file needs to start with jobs:
Each job is specified by 2 lines, 1 starting with - jobmodule: the other with an indented jobargs:.
The argument for jobmodule: is the name (or path to) the Python file containing the wrapper code.
The argument to jobargs: is a comma-separated list of keyword-arguments for the constructor of the Jobs class in the wrapper file. It needs to be valid Python and can be empty if no keyword arguments are necessary.

3. The config file
The config file needs to be named jor.cfg and needs to
reside in the working directory from which jor is called.
It has the following format:
path-prefix = output
overwrite-output = False

todo-list = todo.yaml

scheduler = local
partition = day
sif =
condaenv =

missing-output = ignore
The configuration options have the following meaning:

Configuration options

Allowed values

file-system paths
the job-wrapper should receive path_prefix as a keyword argument in the Jobs constructor, and should prefix all internally generated output-paths with the value of path-prefix

True or False
if False jor will check which outputs already exist and only run jobs that result in the remaining outputs

a filename
file name containing todo-list, by default this is todo.yaml, there’s probably no reason to change this

local or slurm
if local jobs will be run in order locally; if slurm one job-array will be submitted via slurm’s sbatch command per entry in the todo-list

a valid slurm partition (queue) name
ignored if scheduler = local

either empty or path to a Singularity container
if not empty all jobs will be run in this container

either empty of name of a conda environment
if not empty, this conda environment will be activated before running each job

ignore or raise
in case the job-wrapper implements a collect method to concatenate outputs, this specifies how missing files are handled: if ignore missing outputs will be ignored, if raise missing outputs will cause concatenation to abort

All configuration-options in jor.cfg can be
overwritten in the command-line call to jor.

An example is provided in the examples subfolder. The file
contains the code shown above. Likewise the todo.yaml
and jor.cfg files from above can be found there. Calling
jor run
[jor] Submitting job: ./
[jor] Submitting job: ./
and inspecting the output folder
ls -R output
shows that all output files are present:
example3 example4

ind0.txt ind1.txt ind2.txt

ind0.txt ind1.txt ind2.txt ind3.txt


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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