js.deform 2.0.14

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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js.deform 2.0.14


This library packages deform for fanstatic.
This requires integration between your web framework and fanstatic,
and making sure that the original resources (shipped in the resources
directory in js.deform) are published to some URL.

Included resources
js.deform is different from most js. packages in that it doesn’t
include any resources itself. It references the resources from deform
instead. The only resources that are made available from js.deform
are deform.js, form.css and beautify.css. All other resources
that are part of the deform distribution are available separately:

jQuery (http://pypi.python.org/pypi/js.jquery)
jQueryUI (http://pypi.python.org/pypi/js.jqueryui)
jQueryUI Timepicker Addon (http://pypi.python.org/pypi/js.jquery_timepicker_addon)
jQuery Form (http://pypi.python.org/pypi/js.jquery_form)
jquery.maskedinput (http://pypi.python.org/pypi/js.jquery_maskedinput)
jquery-maskmoney (http://pypi.python.org/pypi/js.jquery_maskmoney)
jQuery Sortable (http://pypi.python.org/pypi/js.jquery-sortable)
TinyMCE (http://pypi.python.org/pypi/js.tinymce)
Typeahead (http://pypi.python.org/pypi/js.typeahead)

How to use?

You can import deform_js from js.deform and need
it where you want these resources to be included on a page:
>>> from js.deform import deform_js
>>> deform_js.need()

You can import deform_css from js.deform and need
it where you want these resources to be included on a page:
>>> from js.deform import deform_css
>>> deform_css.need()

You can import deform from js.deform and need
it where you want these resources to be included on a page:
>>> from js.deform import deform
>>> deform.need()
This automatically includes all of Deform’s CSS and JS and is
the equivalent to needing both deform_js and deform_css
as described above.

Auto-needing Resources
You can avoid needing to manually import and need() each
Fanstatic dependency of your Deform form by use of the auto_need
function provided in this package.

>>> import js.deform
>>> import colander
>>> import deform

>>> schema = colander.Schema()
>>> form = deform.Form(schema)
>>> js.deform.auto_need(form)

By doing the above, any widget requirements - including those of Deform
itself - will be included for Fanstatic.
So, you may have a form that requires a deform.widget.RichTextWidget
for one of its fields. This type of widget requires resources relating to
TinyMCE. js.deform.auto_need will use js.tinymce for this
This is all best illustrated in the following example.
Initialise Fanstatic so we can see resources being included:

>>> import fanstatic
>>> dummy = fanstatic.init_needed()
>>> len(fanstatic.get_needed().resources())

Create a demonstration schema and form:

>>> schema = colander.Schema()
>>> node = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String(),
... widget=deform.widget.RichTextWidget())
>>> schema.add(node)
>>> form = deform.Form(schema)

Check the form’s resource requirements:

>>> form.get_widget_requirements()
[('deform', None), ('tinymce', None)]

Ask auto_need to include the resources for us:

>>> js.deform.auto_need(form)
>>> needed = fanstatic.get_needed()

So we can now see the resources that have been included:

>>> from js.jquery import jquery
>>> jquery in needed.resources()
>>> from js.tinymce import tinymce
>>> tinymce in needed.resources()
>>> from js.deform import deform_js
>>> deform_js in needed.resources()

The above resources will automatically be included on your page once
Fanstatic is configured accordingly.

Patching deform to automatically need the resources for a widget
If you don’t want to have to call auto_need(form) for every form
instance in your application, you can patch deform (e.g. on application
startup) to automagically need() everything for you where required.
If you use Pyramid adding js.deform to your pyramid.includes
is enough.
Let’s reinit fanstatic…

>>> dummy = fanstatic.init_needed()
>>> len(fanstatic.get_needed().resources())

…and patch deform this time:

>>> from js.deform import includeme
>>> includeme()

Note that you only have too do this once, e.g on application startup.
Now do the same as above, but without calling auto_need. Note that
the need() calls are not issued before rendering the form.

>>> schema = colander.Schema()
>>> node = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String(),
... widget=deform.widget.RichTextWidget())
>>> schema.add(node)
>>> form = deform.Form(schema)
>>> needed = fanstatic.get_needed()
>>> len(needed.resources())
>>> html = form.render()
>>> needed = fanstatic.get_needed()

Again all resources have been included for us:

>>> jquery in needed.resources()
>>> tinymce in needed.resources()
>>> deform_js in needed.resources()


2.0.14 (2020-09-08)

Add support for Python 3.6 up to 3.9 and PyPy3.
Drop support for Python 3.4 and 3.5.
Adapt to deform >= 2.0.11.

2.0.3 - 2016-11-20

Depend on deform 2.0.3.

2.0a2-3 2015-01-31

Add mapping for select2.

2.0a2-1 2014-05-13

Use the typeahead bundled with deform instead of js.typeahead as the
latter fails on Python 2.6.

2.0a2 2014-05-13

Depend on deform 2.0a2 (Bootstrap 3).

0.9.8 - 2013-11-19

Resolve modernizr dependency with js.modernizr; this was introduced
in deform-0.9.6.

0.9.7 - 2013-03-14

Add deform_basic to the available resource groupings. Using this
includes just the basic CSS and JavaScript, without the ‘beautify’ CSS.

0.9.6 - 2013-02-23

No changes.


Fix a bug that caused requirements not to be loaded on ValidationFailure
(thanks icemac!).


Include js.jquery_form dependency in setup.py (thanks icemac!).


Make all items in resource_mapping a list, so that third party
packages (e.g. kotti_tinymce) can append resources.


Add an includme for easy using in Pyramid projects.
Change patching to only patch deform.form.Form instead of individual


Add auto_need method for automatically including Fanstatic resources
for a given Deform form instance.
Add patch_deform function for automagically including Fanstatic
resources. This feature will vanish when deform gets a FormRender
event which we can subscribe to.


Make the CSS resources available separately as well as combined with
the JS resource.


Initial release.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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