jsii 1.103.1

Creator: bradpython12

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jsii 1.103.1

jsii allows code in any language to naturally interact with JavaScript classes. It is the technology that enables the
AWS Cloud Development Kit to deliver polyglot libraries from a single codebase!
A class library written in TypeScript can be used in projects authored in TypeScript or Javascript (as
usual), but also in Python, Java, C# (and other languages from the .NET family), ...
:question: Documentation
Head over to our documentation website!
The jsii toolchain is spread out on multiple repositories:

aws/jsii-compiler is where the jsii compiler is maintained (except releases
in the 1.x line, which are maintained in this repository)
aws/jsii-rosetta is where the jsii-rosetta sample code transliteration tool
is maintained (except releases in the 1.x line, which are maintained in this repository)
aws/jsii is where the rest of the toolchain is maintained, including:

@jsii/spec, the package that defines the .jsii assembly specification
jsii-config, an interactive tool to help configure your jsii package
jsii-pacmak, the bindings generator for jsii packages
jsii-reflect, a higher-level way to process .jsii assemblies
The jsii runtime libraries for the supported jsii target languages
1.x release lines of jsii and jsii-rosetta

:book: Blog Posts
Here's a collection of blog posts (in chronological order) related to jsii:

2020-01-11: How to Create CDK Constructs, by Matthew Bonig
2020-05-27: Generate Python, Java, and .NET software libraries from a TypeScript
source, by Hari Pachuveetil
2020-12-23: How the jsii open source framework meets developers where they are
, by Romain Marcadier

:information_source: If you wrote blog posts about jsii and would like to have them referenced here, do not hesitate
to file a pull request to add the links here!

:gear: Contributing
Contributors ✨
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

AWS CDK Automation🚧 👀
Aaron Costley🐛 💻 🤔 👀
Abdallah Hodieb🐛
Adam Ruka🐛 💻 🚧 👀
Adrian Dimech💻
Adrian Hesketh💻
Alex Pulver🐛

Amir Szekely🚧
Andi Pabst🐛
Andrew Wason🐛 💻
André Fontenele💻
Andy Slezak💻
Ansgar Mertens🚧 💻 🐛
Anshul Guleria🤔

Ari Palo🤔
Armaan Tobaccowalla🐛
Bartłomiej Jurek🐛
Ben Bridts📖
Ben Chaimberg📖
Ben Farr📖
Ben Walters🤔

Benjamin Macher📖
Benjamin Maizels💻 👀
Bervianto Leo Pratama🚧
Bill Cauchois🤔
Bradley Sherman💻
Brecht Verhoeve🤔
Breland Miley💻

CaerusKaru💻 🚧
Calvin Combs💻 👀
Camilo Bermúdez🐛
Campion Fellin💻
Carter Van Deuren🐛
Chris Garvis📖
Christian Moore🐛

Christophe Vico🐛
Christopher Currie💻 🤔
Christopher Rybicki📖 🐛 💻
Colin Francis🚧
Cory Hall🐛
Cristian Măgherușan-Stanciu🐛

CyrusNajmabadi🐛 🤔
Damian Silbergleith💻 🐛
Daniel Dinu🐛 💻
Daniel Schmidt🐛 💻
Daniel Schroeder🐛 💻 📖 🤔 🚧
Dave Slotnick🐛
David Bell💻

Donald Stufft🐛 💻 🤔 👀
Dongie Agnir💻 👀
Eduardo Rabelo📖
Eduardo Sena S. Rosa🐛
Elad Ben-Israel🐛 💻 🤔 🚧 👀 📢
Eli Polonsky🐛 💻 🤔 🚧 👀
Eric Carboni📖

Eric Z. Beard📆
Erik Karlsson🐛
Eugene Kozlov💻
Fabio Gentile🐛
Florian Eitel🤔
Glib Shpychka🐛
Graham Lea🤔 👀

Greg Lucas💻
Hamza Assyad🐛 💻 🤔 👀
Hari Pachuveetil📝 📖
Hirotaka Tagawa / wafuwafu13💻
Hsing-Hui Hsu💻 📖 🤔 👀
Huy Phan (Harry)💻
Ikko Ashimine📖

James🐛 💻
James Kelley🐛
James Mead💻
James Siri💻 🚧
Jason Del Ponte🤔 👀
Jason Fulghum🤔 📆 👀
Jeff Malins💻

Jerry Kindall📖 🤔
Jimmy Gaussen🤔
Johannes Weber📖
John Pantzlaff💻
Jon Day💻
Jon Steinich🐛 🤔 💻
Joseph Lawson👀

Joseph Martin🐛
Justin Frahm🐛
Justin Taylor🐛
Kaizen Conroy💻 🐛
Kaizen Conroy💻
Kaushik Borra🐛

Kendra Neil🚧
Knut O. Hellan🐛
Kyle Thomson💻 👀
Leandro Padua🐛
Liang Zhou🐛 💻
Madeline Kusters💻 🐛
Maja S Bratseth🐛

Marcos Diez🐛
Mark Nielsen💻
Matthew Bonig🐛 📝
Matthew Pirocchi💻 🤔 👀
Meng Xin Zhu🐛
Michael Neil🚧
Mike Lane🐛

Mitch Garnaat🐛 💻 🤔 👀
Mitchell Valine🐛 💻 🤔 🚧 👀
Mohamad Soufan📖
Mohamed Elasmar💻
Momo Kornher💻
Mykola Mogylenko🐛

Neta Nir💻 🤔 🚧 👀
Nick Lynch🐛 💻 🚧 👀
Niranjan Jayakar🐛 💻 🤔 🚧 👀
Noah Litov💻 🚧 👀
Otavio Macedo💻 🐛
PIDZ - Bart 🤔
Pahud Hsieh💻

Peter Woodworth🚧
Petr Kacer🐛
Petra Barus💻
Philip Cali🤔
Quentin Loos🤔
Richard H Boyd🐛

Rico Huijbers🐛 💻 🤔 🚧 👀
Romain Marcadier🐛 💻 🎨 🤔 🚧 👀 📝
Ryan Parker💻
Sam Fink💻 👀
Sam Goodwin👀

Sebastian Korfmann🐛 💻 🤔
Sepehr Laal🐛
Shailja Khurana🚧
Shane Witbeck🤔
Shiv Lakshminarayan💻 🚧 👀
Somaya💻 🤔 🚧 👀
Stephen Kuenzli📖

Takahiro Sugiura📖
The Gitter Badger💻 🚧
Thomas Poignant🐛
Thomas Steinbach🐛
Thorsten Hoeger💻
Tim Wagner🐛 🤔
Timothy Jones🐛

Tobias Lidskog💻
Tom Bonner🐛
Tom Keller🚧
Ty Coghlan🐛
Tyler van Hensbergen🤔
Vinayak Kukreja💻
Vlad Hrybok🐛

Vladimir Shchur🐛
Will Bender🐛
Yan Zhulanow💻
Yigong Liu🐛 🤔
Zach Bienenfeld🐛

arnogeurts-sqills🐛 💻
dependabot-preview[bot]🐛 🚧


seiyashima42🐛 💻 📖

This project follows the all-contributors specification.
Contributions of any kind welcome!
:balance_scale: License
jsii is distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
See LICENSE and NOTICE for more information.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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