jskiner 0.1.1

Creator: bradpython12

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jskiner 0.1.1

The is a python Json Schema Inference Engine with Rust's core. Its inferencing speed is about 10 times of its pure-python counterpart (jsonschema-inference).
pip install jskiner

Checking the Json Schema of a Large .jsonl file
jskiner \
--in <path_to_jsonl>
--verbose <false/true>
--out <output_file_path>
--nworkers <number_of_cpu_core>
--split <number_of_split_batch_size>
--split-path <path_to_store_the_split_files>

Checking the Json Schema for a folder of json files
jskiner \
--in <path_to_jsons>
--verbose <false/true>
--out <output_file_path>
--nworkers <number_of_cpu_core>
--batch-size <batch_size_for_inferencing>
--cuckoo-path <path_to_store_the_cuckoo_filter>
--cuckoo-size <approximated_size_of_the_cuckoo_filter (Recommend using 10X of current json count)>
--cuckoo-fpr <false_positive_rate_of_the_cuckoo_filter>

Infering the Schema in Python
from jskiner import InferenceEngine
cpu_cnt = 16
engine = InferenceEngine(cpu_cnt)
json_string_list = ["1", "1.2", "null", "{\"a\": 1}"]
schema = engine.run(json_string_list)

Union({Atomic(Float()), Atomic(Int()), Atomic(Non()), Record({"a": Atomic(Int())})})

Calculate the Union of a List of Schema
from jskiner import InferenceEngine
from jskiner.schema import Atomic, Int, Non
cpu_cnt = 16
engine = InferenceEngine(cpu_cnt)
schema = engine.run([Atomic(Int()), Atomic(Non()])


Using | Operation between Two Schema
from jskiner import Atomic, Int, Non
schema = Atomic(Int()) | Atomic(Non())



Enable inference from a folder of json files
Enable ignoring of existing json files using cuckoo filter
Enable add starting schema file
Enable batch-by-batch process on large jsonl file
FIX: make sure repr escape special characters.
Auto Formatting Using Black
Enable sampling of json files
Debug: show input that causing panick. (alter panic str / alter reduce.py exception logging)
Fix: adding UnionRecord schema object
Enable direct inferencing from API online. (able to avoid repeat download of json)
Enable Regex to represent patterned FieldSet


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