jsl-elasticsearch 0.1.dev0

Creator: bradpython12

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jslelasticsearch 0.1.dev0

jsl_elasticsearch generates ElasticSearch mappings from JSL definitions.
It requires Python 3.4 or later (mainly for functools.singledispatch).
It is specifically aimed at use cases where ElasticSearch is being used as a
time series database for JSON data with schemas defined using the
jsl Python library.
The main API is jsl_elasticsearch.render_es_template:
def render_es_template(document, title, role, doc_type="content"):
"""Render an ElasticSearch time series template for given JSL document

Template name is generated from the given *title* and *role*
Document variables are resolved using the given *role*
*doc_type* specifies the ElasticSearch mapping name (default: "content")
The @timestamp field expected by Kibana is added automatically, and
string fields are flagged as not_analyzed by default (so ElasticSearch
treats them as opaque tokens, rather than as plain text fields to be
analyzed for full text search)
The following JSL field types are currently supported:


An additional field type is also defined:


With string fields being flagged as opaque tokens by default, TextField
is a new StringField subclass that flags the field for full text search
in the ElasticSearch mapping, but is otherwise handled exactly like
StringField by JSL.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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