json-mapper 0.1.15

Creator: bradpython12

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jsonmapper 0.1.15

# About json-mapperPackage for map and parse JSON text to python dict.For example, to bring to readable form of responses from the Rest API.# Usage exampleSuppose we have such a terrible JSON dump:```python{ "ApiResponse": { "ApiResponseWrapper": { "HotelsResponse": [ { "Country": "Russia", "HotelId": "1234", "HotelName": "Space Hotel", "Photos": [ { "BigUrl": "http://www.image.url.com", "ThumbnailUrl": "http://www.image.url.com" }, ... other photos ... ], "RoomsResponse": [ { "BedsCount": "1", "RoomId": "12312" }, ... other rooms ... ] }, ... other hotels ... ], "ResponseTimestamp": "2342423423423423", "SessionId": "0ABAA840-F6EC-6913-A1C2-7341899060B6" }, "SomeProperty": "SomeData" }}``` Example to map the his pretty:```pythonimport jsonfrom json_mapper.mapper import map_jsonjson_data = json.loads(open('dump.json').read())mapping_config = { 'ApiResponse.ApiResponseWrapper': { 'ResponseTimestamp': 'last_update', '{loop=>hotels} HotelsResponse': { 'HotelId': 'id', 'Country': 'country', '{loop=>photos} Photos': 'BigUrl', '{loop=>rooms} RoomsResponse': { 'RoomId': 'id', 'BedsCount': 'beds' } } }}result = map_json(mapping_config, json_data)>>> pprint(result){'hotels': [{'country': u'Russia', 'id': u'1234', 'photos': [u'http://www.image.url.com', u'http://www.image.url.com'], 'rooms': [{'beds': u'1', 'id': u'12312'}, {'beds': u'1', 'id': u'12312'}]}, {'country': u'Russia', 'id': u'1234', 'photos': [u'http://www.image.url.com', u'http://www.image.url.com'], 'rooms': [{'beds': u'1', 'id': u'12312'}, {'beds': u'1', 'id': u'12312'}]}], 'last_update': u'2342423423423423'} ``` See full example in tests directory.


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