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jsonqueries 0.1.16
Nowadays, communication between API infrastructures commonly uses JSON data.
This library aims to emulate the behavior of the Django ORM, exporting such functionality to JSON objects.
pip install json-queries
Simple case of use
>> import jsonutils as js
from datetime import datetime
>> json_data = js.JSONObject(
"data": [
"name": "Dan",
"birthday": "1991-01-02 09:00:00",
"publications": 15
"name": "Mar",
"birthday": "1991-03-02 12:30:00",
"publications": 13
"name": "Carl",
"birthday": "1950-06-02 16:00:00",
"publications": 36
"name": "Vic",
"birthday": "1986-07-02 16:00:00",
"publications": None
# now we can navegate through this object by attribute accesion
# or we can make queries as django's ORM
>> result = json_data.query(birthday__lt=datetime(1985,1,1))
>> result
<QuerySet ['1950-06-02 16:00:00']>
>> result.first().parent
{'name': 'Carl', 'birthday': '1950-06-02 16:00:00', 'publications': 36}
# retrieving the path of a node object
>> result.first().jsonpath
# testing environment
We have developed a Docker container with all the configuration options, modules and variables already setted up, so that you can test the behaviour of the package, just by typing:
Then, on Ipython terminal, you can access `test` variable with some json data, or create new a JSONObject
# executing within docker
```docker build -t json-queries .``` To build the image
```docker run --name json-queries -it json-queries``` To run a new container instance of the image
```docker start json-queries``` To run the container, if it is stopped
```docker exec -it json-queries ipython --profile=template``` Open an Ipython session in a running container
# utils
```docker images -a | tail -n +2 | wc -l``` Count the total number of docker images
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