jsonschema-gen 0.1.1

Creator: bigcodingguy24

Last updated:

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jsonschemagen 0.1.1

jsonschema-gen is Python type hints parser which can convert function and method annotations
into JSONSchema objects.

Pythonic classes for JSONSchema types
Extensive type coverage: TypedDict, Generic, NewType, etc.
No external dependencies

With pip and python 3.8+:
pip3 install jsonschema-gen

How to use
See the user guide for more info.
Create a parser:
from jsonschema_gen import Parser

parser = Parser(strict=True)

Generate schema for your function or method from Python type hints
(see the list of supported types):
from typing import NewType

UserName = NewType('UserName', str)

class UserData:
def get_user(self, name: UserName, active: bool = True) -> dict:
"""Get user by username."""

annotation = parser.parse_function(UserData.get_user, UserData)

The result is an annotation object with input .kwargs and output .returns. You can get a JSONSchema compatible dict
using json_repr() on .kwargs:
schema = annotation.kwargs.json_repr()

The result would look like this (if converted to JSON with dumps):
"type": "object",
"title": "Get user by username.",
"properties": {
"name": {
"title": "Username",
"type": "string"
"active": {
"type": "boolean",
"default": true
"required": [
"additionalProperties": false

Use fastjsonschema or other JSONSchema validation library to
create a validator for the schema:
from fastjsonschema import compile

validator = compile(schema)
valiator({'name': 'John', 'email': 'john@dowe'})

Alternatively you can pass the whole class to the parser to get the annotation mapping:
annotations = parser.parse_class(UserData)

The Python type hints are vast and yet not well organized, so there could always be some data type I forgot to add
here. Read the customization guide to extend the standard list of type parsers.
Some annotations cannot be converted to JSONSchema objects, for example: positional-only arguments, variable
positionals, etc. There are different strategies
considering these types of parameters.
Python 3.8 compatibility is so-so due to lots of features and changes made in 3.9. However, it still should support
most of the functionality.
Also read about the strict mode.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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