jsvl 1.1.0

Creator: bradpython12

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jsvl 1.1.0

JSON Validator

JSON Validator is a Python library designed to enhance the validation of JSON documents. It provides a simple yet powerful set of features for schema-based validation, offering flexibility and precision in handling JSON data.

Key Features

Schema Definition
Flexible Data Type Validation
Key Presence Validation
Required and Optional Fields
Child Value Bypass
Value Bindings
Regular Expression Bindings
String Value Constraints
Numeric Value Constraints
Case Constraints
Spacing in String Values
Custom Extension Library

Command line guide
How to use
Use in Project
Control Configs
Register Custom Validation Filters
User guide
Available Keywords
Support Data Types

JSON Validator is a feature-rich Python library designed to elevate the validation of JSON documents by offering an extensive schema-based validation system. It empowers developers to define custom schemas, providing fine-grained control over the structure, data types, and constraints of their JSON data.
Key Features
1. Schema Definition
Define a schema for your JSON documents, specifying keys, data types, and constraints. The schema acts as a blueprint for validation.
2. Flexible Data Type Validation
Control the data types of each key in your JSON document. Enforce strict typing or allow flexibility based on your requirements.
3. Key Presence Validation
Detect and handle invalid keys in your JSON document that are not defined in the schema, ensuring data integrity.
4. Required and Optional Fields
Designate which fields are required and which are optional, guiding users in creating valid JSON documents.
5. Child Value Bypass
Allow bypassing the validation of child values, providing flexibility when certain sections of the JSON document don't require strict validation.
6. Value Bindings
Support value bindings to establish relationships between different parts of the JSON document, enhancing the expressiveness of your schemas.
7. Regular Expression Bindings
Support regular expression bindings for precise validation of values..
8. String Value Constraints
Control the minimum and maximum length of string values, applying constraints to ensure data meets specific length requirements.
9. Numeric Value Constraints
Define minimum and maximum values for integer and float types, allowing precise control over the numeric range of your data.
10. Case Constraints
Apply case constraints to string types, specifying whether they should be in lower, upper, or mixed case.
11. Spacing in String Values
Optionally allow spacing in string data types, enhancing readability in scenarios where formatted text is essential.
12. Custom Extension Library
Extend the functionality of the library by creating custom extensions, tailoring the validation process to your unique needs.
pip install jsvl -U

Command line guide
List of available commands


-s or --schema
Provide a schema as URL, JSON, file or a directory for validating the documents.

-d or --doc
Provide a document json, file or a directory path for validation.Note: if the schema source is a directory then provided schema should be in a directory and should have the same name with _schema postfix.

-csfp or --change-schema-file-postfix
This argument will be used to change the schema file postfix name.

Pass this flag to disable the output tags from logs.

Pass this flag to remove the formatting from logs.

Pass this flag to disable all the logs.

Pass this flag to show the validation class name with logs.

Pass this flag to disable the allow_space globally.

-ml or --min-length
Set the minimum length globally, default is 0.

-xl or --max-length
Set the maximum length globally, default is None.

-mv or --min-value
Set the minimum value globally, default is 0.

-xv or --max-value
Set the maximum value globally, default is None.

-c or --case
Set the text constraints globally, default is None. set Available Keywords

-v or --version
Check version.

-h or --help
For help.

How to use
Command line
Validate a single json document.
~$ jsvl -s /path/to/schema.json -d /path/to/document.json

Validate a single json document with URL.
~$ jsvl -s http://www.yourdomain.com/schema.json -d /path/to/document.json

Validate multiple documents with a single schema.
~$ jsvl -s /path/to/schema.json -d /path/to/documents/

Validate multiple documents with multiple schema.
~$ jsvl -s /path/to/schema/ -d /path/to/documents/

Disable informative tags from the output.
~$ jsvl -s path/to/schema.json -d /path/to/document.json --disable-tags

Remove formatting from the output.
~$ jsvl -s path/to/schema.json -d /path/to/document.json --plain-output

Use in Project:
Import validate function from jsvl.core.validator module and validate the document with multiple options.
from jsvl.core.validator import validate

# schema json
schema = "http://www.youdomain.com/schema.json" or "path/to/schema.json" or "path/to/all_schema_dir/" or {}

# document json
document = "path/to/document.json" or "path/to/all_documents_dir/" or {} or []

# perform validation
result = validate(schema, document)

Control Configs:
import jsvl.config as cfg
from jsvl.utils.util import reserved_key

# change schema file postfix default is _schema
cfg.configs[cfg.schema_file_postfix] = "_schema"

# disable the output tags from logs
cfg.configs[cfg.enable_output_tags] = False

# remove the formatting from logs
cfg.configs[cfg.formatted_output] = False

# disable all the logs
cfg.configs[cfg.enable_output_logs] = True

# show the validation class name with logs
cfg.configs[cfg.enable_validation_source] = True

# disable the allow_space globally
cfg.configs[cfg.allow_space] = True

# set the minimum length globally, default is 0.
cfg.configs[cfg.min_length] = 0

# set the maximum length globally, default is None.
cfg.configs[cfg.max_length] = 1000

# set the minimum value globally, default is 0.
cfg.configs[cfg.min_value] = 0

# set the maximum value globally, default is None.
cfg.configs[cfg.max_value] = 1000

# set the text constraints globally, default is None.
cfg.configs[cfg.case] = reserved_key.upper

Register Custom Validation Filters:
You can register two types of validation filter.

Schema Validation

from jsvl.validations.schema_validations import schema_validation_set, SchemaValidation

# creating custom validation class for schema validation
class CustomSchemaValidation(SchemaValidation):

def validate(self, key, schema, path):

# register validation in schema validation set

Document Validation

from jsvl.validations.doc_validations import doc_validation_set, DocValidation

# creating custom validation class for document validation
class CustomDocValidation(DocValidation):

def validate(self, key, schema, doc, path, index, doc_is_dynamic):

# register validation in document validation set

User guide
Validating a sample document.


"cart": {
"__data_type__": "object",
"items*": {
"__data_type__": "object_array",
"title*": {
"__case__": "__title__"
"description": {
"__min_length__": 20
"email": {
"__bind_regex__": "__email__"
"category*": {
"__bind__": "category"
"keywords": {
"__bind_regex__": "^[a-zA-Z]+$",
"__rem__": "support only alphabets"
"quantity*": {
"__data_type__": "integer",
"__min_value__": 1
"discount*": {
"__data_type__": "float",
"__max_value__": 45.5
"~others": {},
"__binder__": {
"category": ["Health", "Fashion", "Lifestyle"]
"__defaults__": {
"__min_value__": 100,
"__max_value__": 1000


"cart": {
"items": [
"title": "Product 1",
"description": "",
"email": "john@gmail.com",
"quantity": 1,
"category": "Fashion",
"keywords": "Health",
"discount": 30.0
"title": "Product 2",
"quantity": 4,
"category": "Health",
"keywords": "Health",
"discount": 0.0
"others": {
"coords": {
"lat": 0.022,
"lng": 2.34

Available keywords:


Add an asterisk keyword to the end of the key to mark it as required.
Could be add on any keyword. Excluded reserved keywords

Add a tilde keyword to the start of the key to bypass all the validation of the immediate child.
Could be add on any keyword. Excluded reserved keywords

Set data type on field, multiple data types could be supplied using pipe | for example. string|object.

Allow space on text.

Set the minimum length.
string and any type of array

Set the maximum length.
string and any type of array

Set the minimum value.
integer and float

Set the maximum value.
integer and float

Apply case constraint on value.Available case constraints:__upper____lower____title__

Apply custom regular expression or use some pre-define. Note: __bind_regex__ will take higher precedence over __bind__ if both are defined.Some pre-defined expressions:__email____alpha____numeric____alphanumeric____ipv4____ipv6__

Proivde custom error when regex gets failed.

Bind value from defined valueset.
ignore the data type

This is a special keyword and that will be used only root object of the schema where you can define binding valueset.
only root object

This is a special keyword and that will be used to apply the defined constraints globally on the document.Available properties that could be set globally:__allow_space____min_length____max_length____min_value____max_value____case__
only root object

Support Data Types


GPL v3


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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