j2tools 2019.3

Creator: railscoder56

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j2tools 2019.3

# j2toolsUseful tools for jinja2## Install```bashpip install j2tools```## Testing_coming soon_## YamlLoaderYamlLoader is a template loader for jinja2 template framework.It loads templates from yaml-files. Useful when you need tostore many small templates in one file.#### Example:```yaml# templates.yamlhome: welcome: | Welcome, {{username}}! goodbye: | Goodbye, {{username}}!``````python# main.pyfrom jinja2 import Environmentfrom j2tools import YamlLoaderjinja = Environment(loader=YamlLoader('templates.yaml'))username = 'John Doe'template1 = jinja.get_template('home/welcome')rendered1 = template1.render(username=username)print(rendered1) # Welcome, John Doe!template2 = jinja.get_template('home/goodbye')rendered2 = template2.render(username=username)print(rendered2) # Goodbye, John Doe!``` ## t_factoryt_facotory is a small tool which helps prefixed templates easily.See examples below.#### Example:```yaml# templates_en.yamlhome: welcome: | Welcome, {{username}}! goodbye: | Goodbye, {{username}}!``````yaml# templates_ru.yamlhome: welcome: | Привет, {{username}}! goodbye: | Пока, {{username}}!``````python# main.pyfrom jinja2 import Environment, PrefixLoaderfrom j2tools import YamlLoaderfrom j2tools import t_factoryloader = PrefixLoader({ 'en': YamlLoader('templates_en.yaml'), 'ru': YamlLoader('templates_ru.yaml'),})jinja = Environment(loader=loader)get_t = t_factory(jinja)def print_templates(t, username): rendered1 = t('home/welcome', username=username) print(rendered1) rendered2 = t('home/goodbye', username=username) print(rendered2) print_templates(get_t('en'), 'John Doe')# Expected output:# Welcome, John Doe!# Goodbye, John Doe!print_templates(get_t('ru'), 'Иван')# Expected output:# Привет, Иван!# Пока, Иван!``` ## plural`plural` is jinja2 filter function for easy text pluralization.#### Example:```yaml# templates.yamlinfo: users: | System have {{users}} active {{users|plural('en','user','users')}}.``````python# main.pyfrom jinja2 import Environmentfrom j2tools import YamlLoaderfrom j2tools import pluraljinja = Environment(loader=YamlLoader('templates.yaml'))jinja.filters['plural'] = pluraltemplate1 = jinja.get_template('info/users')rendered1 = template1.render(users=1)print(rendered1) # System have 1 active user.rendered2 = template1.render(users=23)print(rendered2) # System have 23 active users.``` ## elapsed and remainingCalculates and formats elapsed time to string like this:`25d 4h 3m 35s`. Can be used as jinja2 filter.#### Example:```yaml# templates.yamlinfo: uptime: | System uptime: {{started|elapsed(show_seconds=True)}}. newyear: | To next year remaining {{newyear|remaining}}!``````python# main.pyfrom jinja2 import Environmentfrom j2tools import YamlLoaderfrom j2tools import elapsed, remainingimport datetimejinja = Environment(loader=YamlLoader('templates.yaml'))jinja.filters['elapsed'] = elapsedjinja.filters['remaining'] = remainingstarted = datetime.datetime.now()newyear = datetime.datetime(2020, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)username = 'John Doe'template1 = jinja.get_template('info/uptime')rendered1 = template1.render(started=started)print(rendered1) # System uptime: 25d 4h 3m 35s.template2 = jinja.get_template('info/newyear')rendered2 = template2.render(newyear=newyear)print(rendered2) # To next year remaining 295d 10h 13m 10s!``` ## ucharSimple jinja2 function to insert unicode charactersby unicode names. Very useful for inserting emoji.#### Example:```yaml# templates.yamlhome: welcome: | Welcome, {{username}} {{UN('THUMBS UP SIGN')}}!``````python# main.pyfrom jinja2 import Environmentfrom j2tools import YamlLoaderfrom j2tools import ucharjinja = Environment(loader=YamlLoader('templates.yaml'))jinja.globals['UN'] = uchartemplate1 = jinja.get_template('info/users')rendered1 = template1.render(username='John Doe')print(rendered1) # Welcome, John Doe 👍!```


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